Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Operation Wildboar 260807

Operation Wildboar 26080X --- Mission completed ...

Was LoOking forward to this whole Paintball event ... as the hardcore ones actually went to make ourselves new tactical vests ... bought ourselves walkie talkies communication sets ..

My Comms Set + Modular Tactical vest

My 3rd Tactical Vest , Communications Walkie & My Callsign ( Mambo ) were officially commissioned into Service on 260807

Started the day briefing the guys on the area of Operations , Communications protocol ( How to properly use / speak through the Comms set ) ... Wasnt really acting like a professional .. more like a sharing session with the guys who haven been through NS , or tying down communications procedures with the other guys like MIke , who was in SPF ... Then "Destroyer" Leonard took over the Infantry Section movements brief ... LoLz ... we did all the briefing in Long John Silver , Yishun ... where everyone stared @ us , guys with big bags of gears and Walkies , as if going to war .

After gearing up , everyone gathered for the briefing ... before indulging in a mini Fashion Show ... Lolz ... Even the Paintball guys were impressed with our vests and gear ...Alritey .. the comm sets were ineffective in the fastpaced games ...

You Feeling the Blues ??

The green green vegetables Team

In Summary , We were split into 3 teams ... and Our team ( "Destroyer" Leonard , "Magic Man" Christopher, "Fireball" Clifton , "Mambo" yours truly ) emerged victorious !!

Through strategies and tactics , Destroyer conquered the important bridge , with trusty Magic Man covering his ass , while Fireball was fast and Furious with the trigger @ the Sniper Tower ... While I was @ the centre , LoOking out for Sneaky Opposing Forces trying to grab the Ammo Boxes ...

A video can convey millions of words ... Do Check out the last part of the video , featuring a Final Showdown between Myself ( Mambo ) Vs Pinky ... a duel that was long overdue ...

Long Story Short , He Has been telling me almost Every Thursday Since a few months back , that he wanted to ShOOt my ass with the guns @ the club , and the Paintball guns that he always claimed to be goOd @ ... especially with all his special training with professional Paintball gunners in Johor ..

He wanted my ass ... and I gave him a chance to take his best shot ......

The End Result >>>>>

9 Bruises with 3 Bloodied Ones ... Inclusive of 3 Big bumps on his head ..... Zero Hits to Mambo.

I did shake hands with him after the game ... but NOT before being welcomed by the other guys and ladies who cheered me on , all the highfives and bearhugs ... It was really quite evident that they wanted his ass badly , for all the past taunts and disturbances that he caused to the others ... I felt the feelings of the warriors in the Movie "TROY" , where the Victor steps off the battle arena alive , leaving the opponent injured , maimed or dead on the area ... It was a goOd feeling , having fought and defeated the opponent who challenged me , without suffering any shots at all .

I also apologized to him later for the "aggression" that I showed on the paintball field . I explained to him that it was his challenge to me , + his incessant disturbances & taunts to others and myself ... I was only responding like any human being or animal , turning on the defensive and aggressive posture when forced into a corner...

he admitted that he didnt expect the paintballs to land on him fast and furious ... and he panicked when he got hit continously ... and he thought he was bleeding .. and said he nearly blacked out ... that was when he decided to surrender.

Final Score : Mambo Zero injuries vs Pinky 9 Bruises and a very bruised ego

All in all ...... The Showdown ended with everyone happy , probably except for him who was probably embarrassed by his own claims of being professionally trained

We ended the Game with a goOd dinner .

** moral of the story :

Respect Others Like How you want them to Respect you. Never Look down on others ... You never know what surprises they could give you .

Mambo XMG Out .


Friday, August 24, 2007

Who to Blame ? "Supply Curve or Demand Curve" ?

Full Story Here . Credits : www.stomp.com.sg

Summary : Some enterprising people have banked in on humans' basic nature -- Lust , ( Ok , mostly men ) as the ladies would argue .. created a website promising clips , pictures of Singaporean , HongkOng , Malaysian women exposing themselves in public ... Guaranteed good pictures and videos ... even promising to try to film the faces of the women , to let the customers bring their fantasies to a higher level ...

Yup .... managed to track down the site ... haha dun ask me how .... saw one of the pictures as from Sim Lim Square ... So alrite lady friends ... this threat has been real , super real and is now @ the doorstep .

WHO TO BLAME !!!???? THE Girls wearing the short Skirts ( Supply chain ) or the Men ( demand Curve ) Leering @ the frills of the short skirts !!??

Ladies would probably argue , what the hell .. why cant we wear mini skirts? Its You guys who keep looking .. Where is our rights to dress as we wish ??Whatever we wanna wear , its none of your business ... Hell Yeah ... you are right !!

But then again !Who to blame ?? The guys for LOoking ? Yes , to pay to view such clips of innocent women exposing themselves is definitely immoral ... but then again ... NO WOMAN CAN BLAME US MEN for lOOkING @ YOU in MINI SKIRTS in person !!

Every day i go to school ... I get flooded with distracting scenes that make me uncomfortable ... Everywhere i go ... I See beautiful women .. all dressed fashionably ..and many .. Sexily .. JUST for Classes ! I see Ample cleavages , girls in minis , girls in super short hot pants offering their buttcheeks , peeking out cheekily from the seams of the Hot pants ... I See accidental exposures of undies while sitting inappropriately during lectures . WHO CAN TAKE IT ??

Taking the escalator is an embarrassing and uncomfortable experience , especially when a girl in a miniskirt or hot pants is riding the escalator as well ( up above you ) ... I am always forced to FACE the walls or lOOk down @ my shoes , just to prevent accusations and to brush away the ever-nagging temptations to take a Long LOOk @ offending meat-parade right before my eyes.

TO SEE Is Human ( male ) , To Ignore Boobs and Butts is Divine ( or insane ) if you ask me ... I can go on and on and on about all the research studies about How Humans ( guys and gals inclusive) all love to Look @ beautiful things ... WHo The FoOk can ignore a beautiful girl wearing a hot pants/ miniskirt in front of you ? Every guy in the right frame of mind ( as you girls would insist) would definitely wish to take a longer lOok @ the girl's face , figure and YES , the elusive panties under the skirts ! There isnt a need to hide behind a false mask .. Its Just Like tempting a person to commit a crime on the spur of the moment..

Damn it .. every guy ( except the gays ) would gO Crazy when a pretty girl walks past them , dressed to kill ... The flash of flesh ( pun intended) is just an added bonus to the guys , making the IMH patients pale in comparison ..

SO ITS FREAKINGLY UNFAIR to INSIST that we cannot stare or LOok / Gaze Longingly / ogle @ girls just because they wear sexily or provocatively !! Because you are opposing Human nature and causing righteous guys to LOok away .. Defying Human needs !! And it is selfish ! You wanna dress provocatively ..and yet insist Guys Do Not ogle or leer @ you ? Dah.. then I Dun know who the girls would wanna dress up for then ?

So Dear Ladies who are reading this entry ... You definitely have the right to dress up in whichever way you wish ... and I would always appreciate a beautiful lady in front of me ... I would still try my very best to Look away should you offer an unintentional invitation to me , to lOok inTo your precious assets ...but please do not blame me If i cant take my eyes off you ... because it would be too gOod to be True ( Lolz)

For my dear lady friends who still love to play the game of peekaboo , show-you-show-you-not game ... here are some tips for you to make the guys gO even More Crazy :

  1. When bending down to pick up stuff , use your hands to cover your bosom. If You are wearing a short skirt .. use your hands to cover the seams of whatever is left to cover your modesty. If You are wearing a short skirt and showing OooMph Cleavage ... Please use Common Sense to get someone else to help you , or you can try looking like a clown covering your ass and your bosom together .
  2. When taking the escalator , be vigilant of who stands behind you . Occasionally turn around or pretend to Look @ the surroundings. For Upriding escalators , you may wish to sling your bag behind your butt to "take cover" . For down-riding escalators , Swing it to the front . If You have nothing and yet you wanna Cover ... CLOSE THE GAPS between your legs ! Open LEgs are a great temptation for them to sneak a camera in between !
  3. In changing rooms , toilets , fitting rooms , be aware of the surroundings. Keep a lookout for blinking lights , weird objects @ weird angles , telltalesigns like wires. Dun ask me about two-way mirrors... I know nuts , and probably no one bothers abt the mirrors anyway .
  4. In swimming pool toilets or public female only areas , do be careful of other persons using camera handphones near you . Although they may be female , they may juz cash in on the situations . There WERE PREVIOUS CASES OF WOMEN helping men do the filming ....

Be Prudent and Save yourself some embarrassment. Be Nonchalant and maybe, just maybe .. you may just become a Super(porn) Star . Guys will never stop ogling @ girls.

If We cannot stop the demand , We either increase the supply or we CUT off total Supply , making demand die down... whahaha

As for me ... I would just be contented with the occasional Peekaboos that come my way.

XMG out ..


Friday, August 03, 2007

How to be Happy Singaporeans ??

Its 3rd August , 6 days away from Singapore's 42th Birthday ... This picture taken today 3rd Aug ... Hurhur ... sure reflects the mood of Singaporeans .... Either that , or my block is full of Foreign "TehLans" .
How to be Happy Singaporeans ??? when ........
  1. GST increases from 3% to 5% to 7%
  2. Comfort Delgro increases fares from $2.40 to $2.50 ... and quietly throw in alot of $2.70 Cabs to slowly increase all fares to $2.70 ?
  3. Up and Coming Confirmed-Guaranteed-Chopped Approval for Fare Increments for SMRT & SBS TRansit
  4. ERP Gantries Increasing prices ... Erecting Gantries @ strategic locations to "seal up" Loopholes ... You wanna gO town ? Pay . You Wanna go by slip roads ? No way . PAY !!
  5. When We have to pay $0.7 million dollars juz for a 4 /5 room flat ...And those who sell , realise they have to PAY MORE to get a decent flat .
  6. Traffic on the roads are neck to neck , bumper to bumper , ass to ass , No car , Envious .. Got car , Curse and Swear at the slow traffic ...
  7. When We squeeze on buses , MRT and we start to hear foreign "TehLans" yakking and Yakking away ... Especially the Aunties ... Damn .

Need More Reasons ?? We can go on and on and On ..... Then That would mean being even less Happier ....

Oh Happy Birthday Singaporeans !!

XMG out ..


Thursday, August 02, 2007

National Day -- A time to wonder whether its worthwhile staying in Singapore ...

I juz realised that its been duno how many Donkey Years since I took the initiative to hang the flag outside my Corridor . I still remembered when they announced the GST increment from 3 to 5 % .. there was a newspaper article stating how We Singaporeans got Pissed with the Gahmen and decided not to hang our flags out to celebrate National day ... And to think , now its 5 to 7 % ... HurhurHur ... That probably explained my un-patriotic act ... but rest assured , i will still celebrate NDP as a proud Singaporean

Speaking of Increments ... the Public transport Companies are @ it again .. I am amazed @ the reasons they can give , as an EXCUSE to raise costs . Public Transport is meant to serve the public Our public transports like SMRT , SBS transit can report Healthy profits of Millions ..but yet cite rising costs as their bane ?? My foot ! Ridiculous reasons conjured up to cover up their reasons for MORE PROFITS ! And who can verify how much is their actual energy costs ? Dont we all know the simple trick of magnifying costs whenever we want bigger budgets?? NKF was a damn good example... Granted they have rising energy costs but is that a good enough reason to increase fares ?! Shouldnt they be cutting costs like maintaining their buses more regularly and doing the other necessary stuffs to cut costs ?The Public transport Companies are already reporting already healthy profits of $mils every financial year , so is it public or private transport ? Public transport in other countries do not even earn profits since its public transport .. Commercialisation of public transport

The ones affected would be working adults & Poor SIM students like myself .. who are not enjoying the concessions from the PUBLIC TRANSPORT Companies ... Arghh .. Enough Said .. I believe I am not the only one grousing abt this ... We all have grievances .. but We all know that this request to increase fees , will get approved again , Juz like all the other GST Hikes , ERP implementations ( Oh , they juz increased the ERP fares @ Orchard gantry today)

On all fronts , it seems to me that everything else on the road and in the tunnels remain pretty much unchanged .. except for the increment in fees and fares .

ERP was introduced for what purpose ? To ease traffic ? Issit really working ? They Implement ERP on busy stretches .. to discourage overclusterFooking .. Motorists Flock to other roads to get through .. and the cycle of erecting more ERP gantries goes on ... Personally experienced it 1st hand ...This measure to ease traffic jams seems to become no more than a tool to generate more revenue for the Gahmen .... COE Prices drop ... more cars on the road ... then we get more traffic . COE Prices increase , The $$$ goes to the Gahmen Coffers ... we peasant citizens cant drive . Either way , we pay .. its a matter of HOW MUCH .

Are our Public buses gonna arrive on the dot after the increment ? I doubt so . They can leave the bus terminals on time .. but can they roll on the roads unobstructed ? With all the other private cars on the roads in the morning and evenings ... Fares will increase ..but Bus Services aint gonna improve.

Hurhur .. SMRT ... Fastest transport around to all parts of Singapore ... but it comes @ a Squeeze literally ... try taking the trains in the morning ... The experience is HORRible ..

enough said . Juz Pay. And. Pay !! Tired of all the nonsense ... Foreign TehLans , Pee Ar Cees .. Fare Increases ... Lack of Space ... Aiya ... Happy Birthday Singapore ah ... Lets see whether we will all mutate into pathetic claustrophobic pheasants ( lack space in a cage ) or into a really-world-Class -everything-Must-pay-Society

** I feel so distraught , I dun even think I am structuring my thoughts well enough. Simply wacked all my grievances and unhappiness as a young Singaporean . I see a bleak future for myself and my future generations of authentic pureblood Singaporeans.

XMG out ...
