Thursday, August 02, 2007

National Day -- A time to wonder whether its worthwhile staying in Singapore ...

I juz realised that its been duno how many Donkey Years since I took the initiative to hang the flag outside my Corridor . I still remembered when they announced the GST increment from 3 to 5 % .. there was a newspaper article stating how We Singaporeans got Pissed with the Gahmen and decided not to hang our flags out to celebrate National day ... And to think , now its 5 to 7 % ... HurhurHur ... That probably explained my un-patriotic act ... but rest assured , i will still celebrate NDP as a proud Singaporean

Speaking of Increments ... the Public transport Companies are @ it again .. I am amazed @ the reasons they can give , as an EXCUSE to raise costs . Public Transport is meant to serve the public Our public transports like SMRT , SBS transit can report Healthy profits of Millions ..but yet cite rising costs as their bane ?? My foot ! Ridiculous reasons conjured up to cover up their reasons for MORE PROFITS ! And who can verify how much is their actual energy costs ? Dont we all know the simple trick of magnifying costs whenever we want bigger budgets?? NKF was a damn good example... Granted they have rising energy costs but is that a good enough reason to increase fares ?! Shouldnt they be cutting costs like maintaining their buses more regularly and doing the other necessary stuffs to cut costs ?The Public transport Companies are already reporting already healthy profits of $mils every financial year , so is it public or private transport ? Public transport in other countries do not even earn profits since its public transport .. Commercialisation of public transport

The ones affected would be working adults & Poor SIM students like myself .. who are not enjoying the concessions from the PUBLIC TRANSPORT Companies ... Arghh .. Enough Said .. I believe I am not the only one grousing abt this ... We all have grievances .. but We all know that this request to increase fees , will get approved again , Juz like all the other GST Hikes , ERP implementations ( Oh , they juz increased the ERP fares @ Orchard gantry today)

On all fronts , it seems to me that everything else on the road and in the tunnels remain pretty much unchanged .. except for the increment in fees and fares .

ERP was introduced for what purpose ? To ease traffic ? Issit really working ? They Implement ERP on busy stretches .. to discourage overclusterFooking .. Motorists Flock to other roads to get through .. and the cycle of erecting more ERP gantries goes on ... Personally experienced it 1st hand ...This measure to ease traffic jams seems to become no more than a tool to generate more revenue for the Gahmen .... COE Prices drop ... more cars on the road ... then we get more traffic . COE Prices increase , The $$$ goes to the Gahmen Coffers ... we peasant citizens cant drive . Either way , we pay .. its a matter of HOW MUCH .

Are our Public buses gonna arrive on the dot after the increment ? I doubt so . They can leave the bus terminals on time .. but can they roll on the roads unobstructed ? With all the other private cars on the roads in the morning and evenings ... Fares will increase ..but Bus Services aint gonna improve.

Hurhur .. SMRT ... Fastest transport around to all parts of Singapore ... but it comes @ a Squeeze literally ... try taking the trains in the morning ... The experience is HORRible ..

enough said . Juz Pay. And. Pay !! Tired of all the nonsense ... Foreign TehLans , Pee Ar Cees .. Fare Increases ... Lack of Space ... Aiya ... Happy Birthday Singapore ah ... Lets see whether we will all mutate into pathetic claustrophobic pheasants ( lack space in a cage ) or into a really-world-Class -everything-Must-pay-Society

** I feel so distraught , I dun even think I am structuring my thoughts well enough. Simply wacked all my grievances and unhappiness as a young Singaporean . I see a bleak future for myself and my future generations of authentic pureblood Singaporeans.

XMG out ...



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