Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Time to hug Buddha's Legs again ...

Hugging Buddha's Legs >> Ling shi bao Fuo Jiao ... >> Doing things last min , then start to panick ..

I think I always do that ... have been doing that for like duno since when... I dun know why .. Juz dun have mood to study early .. end up cramping late

Anyway .. Exams are here again ... Probably gotta postpone blogging about Day 06 of Ex Taipei Walker II ... and other stuFFs until after exams .. or when i need a break from exams ..

** On a lighter note , upon recommendations , another group of friends have gone to OneStar Hotel in Taipei !! Jean and Daniel are happily enjoying their 4th day in Taipei ... Chatted with her on MSn for awhile ... and Zu Ren was by her side !!! hahah .. We miss Taipei .. too bad not gOIng back this June ... Damn .

XiaoMaGe , Signing out ...



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