Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ex Taipei Walker II -- Day 01

Ex Taipei Walker II Day 01 -- 06 Dec 06

YES !!! The 4 Of us went to Taipei AGAIN !! First in July 06 , Then in Dec 06 !! Taipei is Truly an Amazing and Fantastic Country to Visit each time !! Full of Fun-filled surprises , Full of Friendly people ... Language isnt a Barrier unless You are a Potato-eater ( Jiak Kan Tang ) ... Marcus is NOT ... Marcus is Multi-Lingual .. so No problemo !!
After checking in our luggage , we wandered about Changi Airport again !! Went shopping , Went to Look around our World Class Airport ... to look @ the World-Class Xmas Decorations !! OoOOoo .. Full of Xmas Spirit ... and Festive Decorations all around the transit and departure lounges ...
We went to the Smoking point to check out the runway , the views ... Quite windy and sunny .. nice weather to fly !! We were ecstatic !!! The view of the runway was GoOd !! Snapped some shots there ... then we proceeded for a lunch !
A Lovely Ai Xin Lunch For My 3 Lovely ladies ... My Dearest SunShine , My "Mistress" WeeWee , & my "girlfriend" Nana ( Titles & appointments were decided amongst the 3 ladies )
My Ai Xin Lunch for the Day was " spicy diced pork with fried mee " .... Similar but Much Much Nice wor ... than the Xin Wang Cafe @ Cineleisure ... Juz Look @ the gals' smiles ... keke
Flight for the day was JetStar 3K 522 ... the very same plane we took in July . And to be Exact .... We WENT BACK TO TAIPEI almost EXACTLY 5 months after we went in 07 July to 12 July 06 !!!
We Reached Chiang Kai Shek International Airport @ 1720 ... and it was already Dark ! We eagerly looked for our Hotel manager ( We Call him Zu3 Ren4 aka SuperVisor " ) .. who promised to fetch us Personally this time round ... Hahah ( OH ... Blerdy Hell , the previous Driver Mr Chen who fetched us around , had quit his job for greener pastures ... ) So Zu Ren had to fetch us personally ... Hahaha ..He Recognised us almost Immediately .. and soon we were on our way ...
Yakked and Yakked and Chatted on the way .. catched up on news in Taipei ... The Chen Shui Bian Corruption Scandal , Jokes on Zu Ren's attempt to sell White Tee Shirts with Anti-Bian Slogans .. only to have the Organisers declare all to wear RED Shirts .. ( he lost big $$$ in white Tee Shirts ahaha ) ... Very glad to See Zu Ren again .
He was nice to send us to Taipei Railway Station to collect our Train Tickets to Hua Lien , and even Liaised with our Hualien Tour Guide ... asking him to Take care of us in Hualien in Day 02 ... WooOHoOO !!
After Settling down in OneStar Hotel .... ( AhHhhh ... Still the Same Cozy Hotel that we Love ... ) ... We WEnT to MiRaMar !! Ferris Wheel !! I was SoOoo Envious when I saw Pamela's photos of the Miramar Ferris Wheel !! Coz we missed out the Ferris Wheel when we went in July !! Die Die Must Go !!!
Tickets were @ NT$150 each ... and the ride was about 15 minutes per complete revolution ... Had a rocky and wild ride inside the cabin as WeeWee yelled , shrieked , Screamed , Whined whenever the wind blew or the Big Big Marcus moved about ... THE CABIN SWAYED and SWAYED !! ... hahah .. Beautiful View .... BEautiful Taiwan ...
TheY had a big big Cinema and other attractions around Miramar too ... We went Carrefour to Shop ... nothing much though ...
IT was Late already ... BUT WE WERENT ABOUT TO GIVE UP !!! We Went back to Shihlin to settle Dinner !!

Shih-Lin Night Market -- The Mother of All Pasar Malams , Night Markets

Our Favourite Night Market In Taipei , Taiwan , and Possibly the Best Night Market in Asia ... We went back eagerly .. to Eat All our Previous favourite foods !! and The Cold Cold Weather made all the hot & Crispy Food taste Extremely Yuppy !! More than 100 types of " Xiao Chi " to try ..

We had a great time trying out our All Time Favourite Hao Da Da Chi Pah ... So Big Big Chicken Cutlet ... Authentic ONLY IN SHIH-LIN !! .. Singapore's version can kiss my Arse .. And we also tried out new stuff like fried shitake mushrooms , golden mushrooms deep-fried to a crisp ... Damn .. the taiwanese sure know how to enjoy GoOd Food !!

Reached back Hotel only @ 2am in the morning ... and We Had a train to Catch @ 7pm to Taroko Gorge , HuaLien the next Morning !!

** STay Tuned For Day 02 , Ex Taipei Walker II **

XiaoMaGe Signing out ...


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