Wednesday, December 06, 2006

SHOOTMYFOOT makes it to the newspaper !

Was on the bus this morning , when I received an sms from the most unexpected person -- Phillip the TigerMan himself !

" Eh , your Sexpo entry made it to the newspaper ! " ..

I was stumped . When did I submit in any article to the newspaper ? Went to office .. grabbed the newspapers to get an idea of what happened .


OoOoo ... It was a surprise ... because to me , is juz a venue for me to release my thoughts and pent-up feelings .. and mostly filled with my grumbles on the ugly things i see each day ..

Anyway .. throughout the day ... was pleasantly surprised by smses from friends , who smsed to congratulate / inform me about the published entry ... Then i realised that my blog was actually read by more people than I think ...and it was surprising to know that these friends have read my blog entries ..

** Not really a big deal .. but it somehow feels good to know that my views were good enough to be published on the papers ... ( or was my comments too blunt that the reporter thought that it would be good to use the entry as a very strong negative comment ? ) ... hahah ..


The results for 1st Semester are out !! Ahead of Schedule !! .... ** Drum Roll Please !!! ****

  1. MacroEconomics --- Distinction
  2. Principles of Marketing -- Distinction
  3. Introductory Accounting -- Credit .

Was very pleasantly surprised by the results !! Was expecting either passes or credits for all 3 modules ... as I felt that I cramped the whole semester into 1 week to revise ... And if it wasnt for my classmates like Calvin , Jennifer , kokfai and Candice who all taught me in 1 way or another ... I probably would have surrendered @ the exam halls .

@ Least I can go enjoy myself in Taipei in peace , without worrying about bad results ! And Mummy and Daddy seem satisfied with the results .


For those who go Bugis quite often , You would probably have seen this frail-looking old grandma who displays and peddles her wares ( often useless stuff ) ... and sits herself down from morning to night @ the traffic lights connecting Bugis Village and Bugis Seiyu .

I have seen her on many occasions in the day .. and still sitting there @ nights , in the same posture and same sitting position, enduring the relentless heat , the fumes from the vehicles .. and the cold nights .

Encountered a real Bastard two nights ago @ the traffic lights outside Seiyu Bugis . I walked past the old lady with SunShine ... and suddenly I heard the Flicking sound *distinctive ting* of a coin ... followed by a short giggle ...

THE BLOODY BASTARD FLICKED a 20-Cent Coin @ the old grandma and giggled with his female friend ! My Heart Sank .... HOW COULD HE BEAR to Insult the little dignity left in the old lady ? As usual , I had the urge to F him , but never took the next step ....

She was earning an honest living , peddling her goods ... and the scumbag just flicked the coin @ her ! And the coin didnt reach the old grandma , who buried her own head into her elbows ... probably given up hope on selling her wares ...

After walking around Bugis Village ... we passed by the traffic lights again ... SunShine and I dug our wallets and came up with a small token of $1.00 for the old grandma .

I was too affected by the earlier incident .. that I asked SunShine to do the giving .. Sunshine went infront of the Old grandma .. put the coins in front of her .. but she didnt have any reaction . SunShine gentlely tapped her wrists ... and She woke up , visibly disturbed from her sleep .

But Old grandma soon broke out into a grateful smile as she saw the little amount of money ... To think about it ... I felt guilty ... I regretted not giving her alittle more money ... I think I hope to See her again, and probably give her some money , when I go to Guanyin temple @ Bugis street to give thanks for my exams and my upcoming Taipei trip .. when I come back ...

And to the bloody bastard who flicked the coin @ her .... You will get your retributions ! Lousy Bastard with No compassion... I CURSE you Get Your JuST DESSERTS !!

Shall log off now .. to catch some sleep before I Chiong Taipei Tomorrow !!! WooOhOOoO !! Here I Come Again !!

** Will be back on 11th dec . Meanwhile .. will try to update in Taipei .

XiaoMaGe signing out ...


Blogger pretty graffitti said...

ur olg granny blog definitely let me drop a tear or 2. Still rem a uncle suffering from pakinson disease uncle trying very hard jux to on his radio to perform a song which he cant even sing to. He is also at si ma lu. His hands were shaking all the way and no voice could be projected.

12/09/2006 8:12 am  

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