Saturday, November 18, 2006


More and More MSN nicks are showing signs of dissent against the raising of GST from 5 % to 7% ...

I woke up this morning , comforting myself that it was TGIF ( Thank God Its Friday , But I have NO Religion ) .. suddenly Something Struck me on the Head and out came :


The more I ponder over the reasons given , the more I think it reeks of Shit . Shitty reasons given. HE said it was better to raise GST now .. when the economy was doing well .. then doing it when the economy was bad ...

LOGICAL right ? Better to let the citizens curse , swear , suck it up & pay more for GST now , rather than to Curse , Swear & vote for the Opposition when the GST is raised when everyone's cash strings are tighter !

And isnt it a brilliant idea ? as all fare hikes / price increases go .. and as my MacroEcons Lecturer says ... When the Gahmen plays tax rates , Once it increases , it STAYS & NEVER GETS REDUCED ... because during bad times , if they reduce taxes , WE WILL REVOLT when They increase taxes during Good times ! And its difficult to raise what you have previously reduced !

So Its better to Slowly but SURELY Increase Taxes over a period of time . Just like from 3% to 5 % .. and next 7% . And I got a gut feeling the NEXT GST HIKE would be 3% to make it a PERFECT 10% ... And they would probably cite reasons like : Oh 10% simpler to count mah !! more convenient !!! 10% of $10 is $1 !

And within this year ... Monkey See .. Monkey do .. ComFort Announces Fare Hike due to rising Oil prices , Followed by SBS ... And NOW EVEN Stamps & Postal Services cost you more money !! Now Stamps Cost $0.25 instead of $0.22 !!

Notice the trend ?? One fare hike announcement becomes reluctantly "accepted" by the public ... Soon after , another monkey follows , and announces a increase in prices ... " due to Rising Oil prices " , and they tell you confusing numbers & statistics & figures like : " OH .. the last price increase / fare hike was how many XX donkey years ago ..." & tell us how their price hikes are So minimal & Justified .

YAH RIGHT ! These companies are either industry Giants ( Think Comfort / SBS ) ... or Monopoly ( Singapore Postal Service ) ... What Can we do when they tell us : " Eh .. We wanna increase prices ? XX year was the last time I increase ... Now I need more! " Who are the ones providing the statistical figures ?? Its them ! Who has the time to verify the authenticity of the data these companies release ?!!

@ the end of the day , these "Public" transport Services & public services report rising costs each year & yet report tidy & steadily Increasing Profits every year ...

Slowly .. but Surely ... more and more companies will try stunts .. which will probably be " accepted " by us Singaporeans ... We can only LPPL & Suck it up . and juz P.A.P ( Pay And Pay ) ..

XiaoMaGe , Signing out ....


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