Friday, November 10, 2006

2nd Day of Work

Its the 2nd day back @ work ... started on Wednesday ...Quite happy to be back @ SiS ... The colleagues are still very warm and friendly , although many of my colleagues have left .. But familiar faces were quick to greet me with a smile and a warm welcome ...I did half a day's work with Calvin , then happily took a 2 hour lunch break which included a trip to IKEA .. and then given the 2nd half of the day OFF ...

Thursday was OFF day because veron needed to prepare my stuff & I was also in need of a Good break ... Literally slept the day away !!

Today is also a fairly relaxing day ...So relaxing my colleagues were so envious that I was so free ... 1st half of the day was settling down @ my desk .. I lost my old desk to a pretty girl Account Manager , now I am sitting opposite her ... bLah ...Cannot be bothered its really quite boring that I have to call my resellers again . But miraculously , my previous emails to them were still intact ! So I Juz had to inform them that I am back in my job ! And glad that many of them still remember me ! So it made my job easier

WooOsahh ... its a good way to pass the day !!

**Boring Entry ?? Yeah ... Work is boring ...

XiaoMaGe signing out


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