Wednesday, October 25, 2006

One Of the Reasons why theY rewrite their History Textbooks

I still vividly remember when I was young .. Singapore 's then SBC ( Singapore Broadcasting Corporation ) , came up with lots of World War II drama serials .. It certainly left a lasting impression on me . Coupled with my grandmother's horror stories of how the Jap Devils raped & pilfered during their Occupation in Singapore & China ... I was one little kid always yelling : Bakayaro !! whenever the Japs appeared on TV .. cursing & swearing @ the Japs whenever they appeared on Tv ..

As I grew older ... The deep hatred eased and was put @ the back of my mind to accomodate other events like my never ending school life ...And how to hate them when they came up with Playstation , Sony , Toyota and Not to mention those beautiful babes with beautiful (. )( .) eyes .... EYES LAH !!!

. But I was still very much intrigued by Singapore's World War II history , and the stories that lingered behind each historical War Site . And I would show interest whenever the news showed demonstrations by the Chinese , Korean Comfort Women & war victims , and of course I would look out for the Japanese Government's reactions ..


The videoclip above may not be an exact representation of the brutality displayed by the bastardly Imperialist Japs ... but it definitely is a visual representation of the War Crimes that they tried so hard to cover up and destroy ...

Information Extracted from :

Unit 731 was a secret military medical experimentation unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that researched biological warfare and other topics through human experiments during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and World War II.

Some of the War Crimes included :

  • Scientists would perform invasive surgery on prisoners removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body.The infected and vivisected prisoners included women, children and infants
  • Some prisoners' limbs were frozen and sawn off
  • Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the aesophagus was reattached to the intestines
  • Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the aesophagus was reattached to the intestines
  • Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in different positions.
  • Some prisoners were placed into centrifuges and spun until death. ( Spin round and round )
  • Animal blood was injected into some prisoners and the effects of this studied.
  • Germ & biologically infected food supplies and clothing were dropped by planes in areas of China not occupied by Japanese forces

To rub salt into the wounds , the USA allegedly secretly granted immunity to the physicians of Unit 731 in exchange for providing America with their research on biological weapons. The United States believed that the research data were valuable because the allies had never publicly conducted or condoned such experiments on humans due to moral and political revulsion . The U.S. also did not want other nations, particularly the Soviet Union, to acquire data on biological weapons not to mention the military benefits of such research.

Information Extracted from :


Time may heal all wounds , but will definitely leave scars ... I hope Japan isnt thinking of delaying time by hoping that the survivors from World War II die off with time ... then try to do some Magical " Plastic Surgery" ( which they are so famous for ) ... to remove the "Scars" from their historical textbooks ...

With these videos found on the net , and widely available for viewing , it is heartening to know that these atrocious acts wouldnt be forgotten & denied by the New-age Japanese who are trying to get a better picture of what their forefuckers did ...

If Japan does not openly admit its mistake like the Germans did for their atrocious acts , Japan will never gain the trust & respect of its surrounding neighbours . It will always have to remain as a SELF-DEFENSE FORCE ...

This entry is dedicated to the millions of victims who suffered or sacrificed their lives during World War II .... and to the Japanese who still advocate Imperialism ... I say to you : " BAKAYARO !!"

XiaoMaGe , Signing out ....


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