Wednesday, October 25, 2006

~~ Kranji Dam ~~

Its 26 mins after midnight .. wide awake again ..My biological clock is going haywire .. been having uber late nights recently ... Not really revising .. but rather unwinding myself ...

For every hour of study .. i estimate 3 - 4 hours of unwinding... this is how strenous revision is to me ... its really harmful for the braincells you know ??

Last night , went for supper ( yeaH , I am fat I know.. what to do ? gf complain I fat , yet asks me enthusiastically each time for buffet ) with SunShine , CK , Angel , Brighton & ZhongHe @ Bukit Timah 's Sian De Lai ( Literally translated into Comes fresh ? ) 2nd time there ...

The food wasnt really buffet style ... They employed a smart concept of "free-flow" .. they regulate the amount of food you take .. by giving you a checklist to tick .. and they bring out the food on little plates .. So you dont really waste their food , AND YET they can openly charge you Buffet pricing ..

Food wasnt really that fresh ... as most were refrigeratored ..but Not really complaining abt the freshness .. There were a variety of Soupbases ( Sichuan , Mala , Carrot Potato etc) that WE REALISED that we had to pay additional for later ... I started wondering why is it called a buffet then ?

Service was quite alright and friendly ... although they MISSED out on a few of my Crab dishes ...

Total Damage Came up to $19 per pax .. My opinion is : NOT WORTH the $19 price tag ... Food was really controlled by them .. We couldnt really choose what we could eat from the checklists ... Soup base was additional Charge , Their food was spicy ..and Drinks were additional charge .. Wun wanna Go again ...

The girls Got bored and restless after the buffet ... didnt wanna go home ..and asked for places to go ... So i suggested Kranji Dam .... I chose that place for a few reasons ... We were reasonably near the area .... The Kranji Dam was Scenic , by "Singapore Standards" ... and we would have to pass by cemeteries , SAF training areas .. Very Ulu & adventurous roads ... So i thought it would be an eyeopener for the girls who wouldnt be there without rhyme or reason ..
So Taxi Uncle Marcus guided the car , with Taxi Uncle CK @ the wheels .. Admittedly it was really quite eerie enroute to Kranji Dam ... The Expressway to Jalan Bahar was deserted ...So was Jalan Bahar ( near the SCDF academy & Muslim Cemeteries ) ... Reached Lim Chu Kang Road , passed LCK camp II , Tengah Airbase ... passed the Farms ... Wah ... the night air was cooling and alil too chilling for comfort ... Drove through a very long and winding stretch of road along Neo Tiew .. and past really dark & eerie places ...
After what seemed like eternity , We reached Kranji Dam ... No fotos yet , Fotos with SunShine ... The girls were Somewhat unimpressed with the " Singaporean standard " of a Scenic dam after watching the movie " SILK " , where they saw a very very impressive view of Taiwan's ELECTRICITY POWER STATIONS...
Sunshine was more intrigued with the route that we took ( the cemeteries , the ulu ulu dark dark farms .. , long winding roads ) ... Alamak .. should have brought them to the cemetery areas ... But then again ... better dun be hero . Kiang jiu Ho .. Mai Gek Kiang ...
Time to hit the books ...
XiaoMaGe , signing out


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