Sunday, October 22, 2006

My gf's Sec Sch Buddy is My Sec Sch Buddy's gf.

Saturday was quite a fruitful day in terms of love life and social life ...

Sunshine came over to my place to accompany me while i was to revise .. but we both ended up watching " Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift " ... and " nua " , listening to songs , chatting .. until it was time for dinner ...

Had Macs with my auntie in the living room , until CK & Angel came to fetch us for another round of dinner @ Lau Pa Sat ( Old Market , a Famous Eating Spot in Singapore ) . Got Dressed up in matching colours ... wore the NEW " HarLey Lu Ya" Shirt that Sunshine bought for me .. I am a free thinker ..but I dun mind wearing the shirt .. coz it looks nice and its very comfortable !!

Found a parking space quite quickly , due to "organised" arrangements by the stallholders @ LauPaSat ... They took initiative to guide drivers in , then signalled the arrival of customers to other stallholders , So that theY could get THEIR STALLs' menus to us . A subtle form of touting , I guess . There is also an alliance between the Malay Satay Stallholders & the Chinese "Zi Char" stalls .. The arrangement seems to be for the malay stallholders to take our orders in Satay first ( so that we can buy their bite-sized Satays , before we eat the main courses in "Zi Char" ) .... Its a win win situation for them .

Suddenly , it was mentioned that It was CK & Angel's 1st year Anniversary !! hahah , Oh yes ...they got attached soon after Sunshine & I got attached ... ahaha ... We recapped how they met & got to know each other @ the KTV , holding hands & getting caught by me @ movies , hahha .. it felt great , recapping what we all did for the past year ...

Amusing thing is My gf's Sec Sch Buddy is My Sec Sch Buddy's gf. Confusing? Nah...

CK is my Sec Sch Buddy . Angel & SunShine are Secondary School Buddies. CK & Angel are a couple . Get it ?? hahaha ... I do think this is the perfect Combo Couples set .. Simply because we guys do not needa worry that our gfs cannot click with each other , coz they already clicked with each other before we all got together .. Uber Convenient !

Ordered Satay , Calamari , Sambal StingRay , Sambal KangKong , " Tua Tao "and "Tsut-Tsut" ( a kind of sea snail I think ) . Food was alrite on the whole , nothing That Fantastic to comment about .. So dun wanna rave abt it .. Juz go down to Lau Pa Sat , try your luck and you will get Good food most of the time .


the 4 of us were deciding where to go after that.. brought the car for a wash along Telok Blangah Road.. hm.. Sunshine suggested driving into Sentosa for some exploration.. why not.?? The haze was out for the day ...So the Singaporeans are OUT TO PLAY !! We bought drinks.. n drove in.. usually entry to Sentosa costs S$2.00 per car & per pax.. so we were expecting to pay S$10.00 to get into Sentosa.. wahahaha.. FREE ENTRY in the end ah.. the uncle didnt ask us to stop n pay.. so we happily drove in.. wahahaha..

I Wanted to bring them back to OneDeg15 ... But alamak .... The security Guard said it was closed for the day ...

"Nice view with Yachts in the bay , totally exclusive experience ... went there once during my 160SQN days , for some Charity work with CHEN SU LAN HOME children ... brought Angel there to help out , as she loved children ( occupational Hazard ) ahah ... while I was the Unit photographer for that day ... keke , I remembered she created a stir amongst my Unit guys that day , and I had people asking me , Sergeant Marcus , is that your gf ? She is Weet U weet !! .. "

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OneDeg15 @ SentosaCove ... Was there with Angel for CSL Children's Home Charity Event ... organised by my NS unit 160 Squadron ...

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Put up this foto @ the request of Angel .. to show that she isnt so plump actually ... Sighz .. Life is juz full of illusions ...keke

Well , OneDeg15 was unsuccessful ... So we drove around other parts of Sentosa in the middle of the night ... to explore the Island ... Most parts of the Island were deserted ... no cars @ all ... and it sure was a little eerie ...

Brought them to Tanjong Beach to visit KM8 , and to my surprise ... The "so hyped up" club was totally deserted ! ... tsk tsk ... walked further into Tanjong Beach .. sat in a shelter to feed some mosquitoes for 10 mins ... Got bored ... and we left Tanjong Beach ...

Went to the defunct Sentosa Ferry Terminal ... another deserted spot ... It was sad to see the Ferry terminal in a way , being forgotten by tourists and the Sentosa Management alike .. Now that we have the bridge linking Sentosa to Mainland SG .. and the cable Cars , and SoOn the LRT to Sentosa ... Ferries no longer ply the short route from the old WTC to the Sentosa Ferry Terminal ..

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The Majestic Clock Tower Still stands tall ... overlooking the Once-busy Sentosa Ferry Terminal .

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Really pissed with Blogspot ... always having problems with uploading photos up. Always encountering broken links ... Ta ma de ...


Angel was kind & brave ( I dont have a license ) enough to let me drive her automatic car around in the deserted Sentosa carpark ... Took it for a few rounds in the carpark ..after getting familiarised with the brakes , accelarator with CK by the passenger seat and the girls in the back . Negotiated a particular turn a few times ... Did a "pahliah" reverse parking of sorts .. and ended the short but exciting "lesson" ...

Now quite motivated to take up driving lessons ( Manual OF COURSE ! ) ... hahah it sure feels shiok to be in the driver's seat ...

Ended the day .... Drove SunShine home .... ( CK of course .... ) .. before they sent me home .... Was a Good saturday ....

SUDDENLY I REALISE .... WAH !!! 8 More days to exams !!! I am Screwed !!!

XiaoMaGe , signing out ...


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