Tuesday, October 17, 2006

SHOOTMYFOOT is SOOoo Amazing ..

Its really amazing when I look @ my visitors list ...

I have visitors from Singapore , USA , Australia , Spain , Ireland , United Arabs Emirates ?? UnKnown ?? I think from MARS .. and also from Turkey ..

But What really amazes me is that The aliens come from such webbies to my blog ..


>> dun know which Yao shiu kia is this ... When i clicked on this link ... my jaws dropped... how the hell did this kuku come to my blog ?? I definitely have no links from there ... And my taste preference was NEVER western girls ... is "Yamate , YAmaTe !!!" Ooopz ..

Darn the haze .. it just disrupts my plan to resume running .. cursed the fire-starters enough on previous entries .. dun wanna start another flaming session , firing blanks @ no one in particular ...

13 more days to exams .. Still as relaxed .. I seem to be disillusioned by big numbers .. thinking 13 days = 1300 days .. But I am warming up .. Coz I know I cannot afford to fail ..


You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions
I agree that I am quite a relaxed person who chooses to take things as they come .. and Yes .. To things that interests me or persons/things I love to do .. I will give my best ..
I am definitely Not a TOTAL JOY to all around me ... There are people who hate my guts ..and people who wants my opinions.. how to please all ? I choose to please myself and cross my fingers that my friends accept me as who I am ..
XiaoMaGe , the CEO , signing out ..


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