Thursday, October 12, 2006

Juz SoOoOo Tempted by JetStar ....

Juz back from my 4th Run ... Short Run around my Housing Estate ... It seems like a shorter distance than when I first Ran ... So maybe Its time i increased my Running Distance ... My Profuse Perspiration somehow clears the mind of thoughts .. its a great Feeling that I am starting to like ... hope I can carry on...

I never enjoyed running during my NS days ( my ankles hurt like hell) ... Except when I was in BMT... When Singing while running together with my buddies was an enjoyable thing to do. And better still , I was Losing HELL LOTS OF WEIGHT... I lost 20KG during BMT .. So motivated to Run ..

Me @ My Slimmest Stage in Life ...No Editing !

SISPEC was really " Suffer In Silence Plus Extra Confinement " .. Suffer like hell , Run like hell , Ankle pain like hell .. And theY Say , the rest is History ...

In 160 SQN , I hated Running even more ... as trainees , we were made to run in Skeletal Battle Order around our Weapons Hangar .. For Small mistakes or Ridiculous Reasons ... We were made to Run round and round , to hit ridiculous timings , with very little sleep. I remembered Morale amongst us was damn bloody low ...

Now I know why 160 SQN is BEST AIR DEFENCE ARTILLERY UNIT for 3 years running !Coz We Are the BEST ! We Give the Best Efforts in our Training ! Alert Always !

( Siao On , On the wrong Fuckball)

Ok .. Ok .. I know I must CARRY ON Running to slim down ... to HIT THE SAME FIGURE as ABOVE !!


So Damn Tempted by Jetstar's latest offer to Taipei .. the girls are tempted & Excited too ... if plans go Smoothly ... WE WOULD BE GOING BACK TO TAIPEI Exactly 5 months from the 1st trip !! Same Flight , Same Timing , Same days , and YES !! SAME HOTEL .. WE LOVE our hotel !!

Damn ... Why am I thinking abt play , when the Great Battle of Accountancy is hitting down on me in 18 days ?? I think I am brave .. I am not even panicking ..when I know nuts abt Accounting... I must not give up ... I must Not Give up ...


Another Interesting way to do some attention attracting ...

XiaoMaGe , CEO of my own life ... Signing out


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