Monday, October 02, 2006

Weird Dream + Great Buy !!

Juz Woke up from a Dream , Ended up Oversleeping , and missed the timing for waking up my SunShine .. Looks like When I am "Dead" asleep , even the Air Raid Warning SyStem will fail to wake me up .

Dreamt that I went for a Singing Audition. In Reality , I wouldnt join in any such auditions unless necessary ...because I feel that I would be putting myself in an unnecessary Situation to allow others to judge me. Anyway ... here was how it went :

Appeared in front of 4 judges , even MY MUM was sitting behind them ... Gave a brief Introduction of myself as Marcus , Singing "Chi Xin Jue Dui". " I even dreamt that before the auditions , I was with my sunshine & friends , asking what song should I sing? Woah .. No preparations I dare to go ...

Back to the audition room. I was able to sing , when suddenly one of the judges asked me my 1st Embarrassing question : "Marcus , how tall are you ? ME replied in my usual Cheeky manner : OH , abit More 169 liao ... Ended up he told me they had height requirements , but NEH-MINE !! THey let me sing ..

I cleared my throat ... and Started to Sing .... & the whole World juz crashed .. I tried to sing , but a rough voice came out , unlike my usual KTV voice . There was phelgm in my throat... I be darned .. Even though it was juz a dream , it was so embarrassing & Demoralising .. Coz my Real voice doesnt sound like that . Terrible + Horrible = Horrigible ... I am not saying i sing well .. but I can hold my own ... grrr .. Fuck bad dreamz ..

Anyway , SunShine was in the dream too , and Somehow She managed to get 10/10 for voice and 10/10 for CCA ?? ( Maybe theY were looking for an active & outgoing Idol ) ... kekek WOW .


Anyway ... Yesterday , I did one of my most Decisive buys .. in less than 7 minutes.Went to Beetle Bug looking like a normal Window Shopper .. Looked @ the whole Range of Shoes .. saw this one ..asked for number 8 .. Fit .. Nice $93.90+ Free Socks.. Buy . UOB Card 15% OFF + Free Socks . BUY !!! $79.80 for this beauty ... Wat a Steal ... BEETLE BUG leh .. ALL IN less than 7 minutes !! This is what I call Decisive . Hehehe ..

Going to School to finish the damn project ...

I think the Ah Beng was really very "Kuai Lan" & trying to bully the Ah Neh .... The ah beng should try talking to another Singaporean like that .. He would probably get his call hung up . Singaporeans are really more streetwise when it comes to such stuff , and the ah beng would probably be unable to show his wrath ...

XiaoMaGe , CEO OF MY OWN LIFE ... signing out ...


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