Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thank You All , for the wonderful wellwishes & prezzies ...& my lovely Mango Cake ..

I am a September Baby

  • Active and dynamic (depends).
  • Decisive ( Depending on situation) and haste but tends to regret.
  • Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
  • Strong mentality ( Yes I have my unique thinking & I stick to it alot ..).
  • Loves attention ( Who doesnt?).
  • Diplomatic.( I am straight forward & sumtimes Tactless .)
  • Consoling, friendly( generally I am , unless that person pisses me oFF ) and solves people's problems.
  • Brave and fearless.
  • Adventurous.( I can be quite adventurous & playful)
  • Loving and caring ( towards my gf & friends??)
  • Suave and generous.
  • Usually you have many friends. (I think so.. although i dun meet up with them often.. they are in my heart...)
  • Enjoys to make love.
  • Emotional. ( yeah .. I have compassion for the old , blind and those in need of help.I will help)
  • Stubborn. ( I stick to my views & principles. Very Rigidly. Only SunShine has the capabilities to make me change my viewpoints...after much arguing.
  • Hasty.( when I have to make impromptu decisions.)
  • Good memory( I can remember LOADS OF Handphone Numbers ) .
  • Moving, motivates oneself and others.
  • Loves to travel and explore. (oh Of course travelling is fun)
  • Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.

** I highlighted those that I felt was true for myself, Brackets are my comments **

Thank you guys so much for the well-wishes & celebrations yesterday .. Received testimonials ..SMSes .. Yummy Mango Cake from SunShine , Cookies delivered personally by Azman & even a Blog entry dedicated by Kok Fai ... Kam Sia Kam Sia all ..
Went to Sakura Orchard Last night .. to celebrate with SunShine , Angel , CK , JR , Joanne & Phil .. ( all thanks to Sunshine who made the efforts to coordinate ...)

Interesting "Present" for the day was Jinrong's ... he brought his love to meet up with us ! OOo So finally we get to meet Joanne as JR's OFFICIAL gf ... keke ..actually I already known Joanne since my DXO(boring) days... but still am surprised when I first heard they were an item.

Sakura 's Food last night was really Sucky ... NO BABY OCTOPUS ( had to complain to the Manager before he personally brought out some for me , as he said it wasnt on the menu that day.What?? Baby Octopus is basic Jap food leh , but the manager's service was good ) .. Also HAD to "BEG" the waiter always , for Salmon Sashimi .. which we ate like Cats to fish .. The Salmon Sashimi tray was ALWAYS EMPTY > I got sick of asking the waiter to refill ..and HE HAD THE CHEEK TO ASK ME HOW MUCH I WANNA TAKE . >. I told him you put how much , i take how much.

HE REALLY PUT 1 stack. I Take. He Put again , I Clear Again. Nia eh .. Very Fun Hor ? I Got fedup ..I cleared the bloody tray.

MISSING IN ACTION - Camera Shy Phillip decided to roam Sakura while we were having the cake cutting .. I dun wanna miss him out of the photos ... So there we Go ....

*** Special Thanks to SunShine for her efforts in coordinating ... & the Mango Cake ... Thanks to my friends who MADE IT to Sakura ... Thanks to all my friends who Smsed me & contacted me in one way or another .. ***


28th Sept -- Went for Projects in the afternoon @ Millenia Walk ... WE ARE STILL SORTING OUT DETAILS ... when the deadline is next tuesday ... I can only pray we are able to sort ourselves out before the D-DAY.

Went Bowling with Kokfai , Raquel & Rae @ Marina Square ... Was Really Fun ! Lots of Jokes , display of Skills ( Rae ) ... and a friendly Challenge between KokFai & myself ... On a dry streak , only managed 2 X Strikes X ... It was the curse of the 3 pins ... Always miss out on Spares by 1 pin ..

The heat was on as KokFai & I breathed down each other's Necks , @ the 9th Frame .. We were STILL ON PAR ... ( 91 points each!! Yeah ..lousy scores we both know ) ... Until the last frame , I got lucky with a Strike to seal the deal ... arbo One more "trophy" to KokFai the POOL KING.

LASTLY , A Clip for you to laugh & fall off your chair ...** SPEAKERS to be ON LOUD !!*

Signing off ,



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