Sunday, September 24, 2006

A series of weird dreams ....

People say you cant go to bed full .. for you will get weird dreams and nightmares ... Hmmz how true .. Went for supper with Sunshine and Shawna after fetching the girls off work .

Went for Sushi again ... yes sushi again , as Sunshine had a craving for sushi .. Ate abt 08-10 plates of sushi by myself + a Chawanmushi & Salmon Sashimi ... totally bloated ..


Dream 01 : Remembered that it was a recurring dream , one that always comes back ... In the dream , as usual , i dreamt that one of my front teeth was loose . And So i pull it out with my fingers. And i felt it was stupid , So i tried to slot the tooth back in. Then i realised more teeth were getting loose .. So the more teeth I extracted , more teeth became loose . I ended up with my bottom row totally bare , with only gums with big gaping holes. I woke up in horror . Shit man ... Luckily my nice teeth ( many people praise me for a nice set of teeth) were still in place .


Dream 02 : I remembered I was on the MRT with a female colleague , suddenly She juz leaned on my shoulder & kissed me on the lips.... Woah .. surprise surprise ... Coz I DO NOT have the HOTS for this colleague , although she is quite pretty .. THEN I woke up for awhile ..before dozing off again. The MRT train scene came back ... suddenly it changed to SunShine. Ahhh .. this is better .. keke ... Sunshine laid on my lap , and we juz chatted on the train and Muackzz ... **** RING !!!!! Oh Fuck .. my hp's alarm clock woke me up ....


Dream 03 : This is also a recurring dream .... I often dream that I am in my Favourite place in Hongkong ... Its a street beside Ladies Street ( Nu Ren Jie ) ... I call it the Guns street ... Coz almost every shop in that street sells Airsoft Guns !!!

In the dream ... in an eerie twist of events .. I am always alone on the streets ... I look @ all the guns in the glass displays .. but it seems I am always stuck there ... No One else ... No other Hongkongers @ all . I tell you , in real life , the shops are always crowded with kids & adults alike , eager to buy the latest models available ...But in the dream , I was sort of lost , with no way out .. destined to roam the streets looking @ these model guns forever ... Wah eerie ....


Was going to Bugis to fetch Sunshine when i noticed something sorely missing & I felt an awkward sense of Discomfort ..... I knew it ! I felt Unsafe ... Because i didnt See any Policemen standing around.. NOT even one !!

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During the IMF period .. Police Presence was everywhere ... Practically every major MRT station had 2 or more policemen ... Bishan even had 3 busloads of the Special Operations Command Police Tactical Units patrolling with groups of 5 walking around with their MP5s ..

But now ?? Not even 1 cop in blue ... Not in Bishan MRT when i went over ... and also Not in Bugis MRT Station ... Sianz .. feel so safe with the policemen around , and it feels good to see my "parents' Income Tax"patrolling around .. But now ... Gone ... I feel Unsafe once again ...

Signing Off ,

XiaoMaGe , CEO of


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