Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Life after School + Forum Updates

It is a chore having to inform friends about the new blog ..It is one venue whereby my friends get updated on me , and I get updated on my friends through their blogs .. Its a measure of Pros Vs Cons .. I think I will not control the access so tightly on my blog . Come what may , I will face all comments squarely in the face . WooSah .... Marcus is not one who stands down when he meets problems & issues.


Been Searching through the Straits Times , TODAY paper , watched the 10PM news .. There were NO reports on CHEE SOOn JUAN & his protests ... saw only a small section on the STRAITS TIMES about him & his little standoff .

The Censorship & Blackout of CSJ & his little protests on local newspapers & TV is a definite Sign that THERE ARE FORCES controlling our media , deciding On Our Behalves what we Singaporeans should know or should not know ..

This only goes to show in a way that CSJ's point is proven right , of having his views censored / blacked out .. My point is : CSJ did a great job of creating awareness for his cause , all the marketing & advertising were properly done ( Ah .. marketing concepts ) .. So Singaporeans have the right to See and judge for themselves rite ... @ least show us on TV what is happening @ Hong Lim Park , So that we Singaporeans know that there is Someone there trying VERY VERY HARD to fight for " our SINGAPOREANS' FREEDOM OF SPEECH ?!!"


Anyway , Had a Good day @ School , Marketing lessons ended with us getting more stressed .. We needa read 200++ Pages of Notes juz to prepare for 30 True/False questions next week .. Abit Of An overkill, For 200 Pages , I rather we get a Written Test. So much effort for that pathetic 15%.

Marketing Project is killing us all , as all 7 of us seem helpless & lost ... and the deadline is fast chewing our asses ..

Went for Lunch @ Ngee Ann "AH LUM 9" ... The Cafe was so so , while the surroundings were great !!

This is the BOoOOtiful Pool that I immediately fell in love with .. It sits on a slope. from the top of the Slope .. you stand @ the water's edge , but you are not able to see the corner ( as you can see with the rocks in this pic )

So it means from the top of the slope .. U JUST SEE A POOL OF WATER .. a very beautiful Illusion created ... ..

Oh Nvm ... You guys Jia Ba Bo Sai Pang , Nothing better to do , then drop by @ Ngee Ann Poly Alumni ok ?>? Best if you are Alumni member , then You can enjoy the Pool ...

Went for KTV with Kok Fai , Jennifer & Raquel @ Halo Bar juz beside the beautiful swimming pool . Halo Bar is a special Place for me , it is the place where I broke my PERSONAL RECORD ... 1 bottle X Chivas Regal by myself ..

Long Story Short , 8 people Opened 3 bottles oF Chivas , I was the Heng Heng One , to get to DRINK 1 bottle of Chivas + beer , Red Wine , Coke & Sprite all by myself ... My frens found me knocked out cold outside the gals' toilet .. and dragged me back home .. Pathetic ..

KTV was fun , sang with Kok Fai & Jennifer towards the end , where we tried out various duets and Oldies ..

A very Relaxing way to end a stressful day ..

XiaoMaGe Marcus , signing out ..


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