Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chee Soon Juan , Hero Or Zero ??

The IMF Conference is almost coming to an end . Some of my friends in the dark force says ..IMF= ITS MY FREEDOM !! , Some Says , Idiotic Mudda Fuackas .. burn their weekends and days guarding the shopping centre , or making them stay in the hot sun looking @ the passing traffic , guarding against the unknown terrorist ...

And Some Have A More Interesting Job ( at least to me ) .. as above , playing " guardian angels " to the little ones sitting on the pavement. For the benefit of the ill-informed , the people sitting on the ground are "freedom fighters" , "Heroes" , Martyrs as termed by some foreign journalists .. and they are None other than Chee Soon Juan & his few Supporters ..

Chee Soon Juan is seen/perceived by many in OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD , as a hero standing up against our "supposed Lack Of freedom of SPEECH" and civil rights , while in Singapore , he seems to be fighting against NO ONE ( to me , not many people bother?) , or maybe fighting for a lost cause .

I am against his kind of behaviour , from the Yelling @ Mr GOH *MR GOH WHERE IS OUR MONEY??** , to the Constant Criticism and badmouthing of Singapore Overseas , I get So pissed feeling that he is embarrassing us abroad , creating the impression that we Singaporeans are a bunch of "Hamchi" or "Ham-less" people ..oOOpz .. Mai Ham Mai Ham .. ( Dun Scared Dun Scared / No Oysters clams) .. Apparently we Singaporeans are more accustomed to the Gentleman way of using our mouths in a more gentle manner..

He also has scant regard for our Judicial System , Choosing to make a mockery out of our Law & Judges , as reported on the local Newspapers ( his disagreeing with the judgements passed and leaving the courtrooms ) . I do agree though , that Our Newspapers and media generally do ALOT OF CENSORSHIP on him .. *Arbo you would have already seen lots of Footage of Chee Sitting on the pavement , or making a big HoOHaa with the Policemen ..

To me , it would be more prudent of any opposition , to solve issues faced by the COMMON Singaporeans , Who are worrying abt jobs , foreign talent , bread butter issues , rather than HIS FREEDOM OF SPEECH.. By creating such a big Hulabaloo in public , he seems to be degrading his own image , reinforcing Singaporeans' Already negative impression of him.

I applaud him , for roughing it out in the Sun & rain.. But I see no real EFFECTS from his stunts , Freedom of Speech , Can it be gained through 4 days of protesting/Wayang? Can his Antics WIN OVER Singaporeans , who prefer to adopt the Wait & see Attitude ?

I Passed by Hong Lim on Sunday Night @ 2330+ , saw one whole bunch of Policemen surrounding Chee Soon Juan and his Merrymen , I can only shake my head , pity the Policemen on duty , who has to tolerate Chee's antics through the nite . Luckily the policemen rotate on shifts , or One cant imagine the scene if any of the cops blow his brains out ...

AS OF Tuesday , Chee Soon Juan has declared his protest as a small but resolute step towards FREEDOM OF SPEECH ...And he has promised on his webby that more "wayangs" will be planned ...


XiaoMaGe , Marcus Signing out ....


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