Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Lovely & unforgettable evening .... that I will never forget ....

Will never forget tonight ... 26th Sept 2006, one of those beautiful nights that passed by in a flash ... Brought Sunshine to Ma Maison , the much acclaimed restaurant recommended by Sharon ... Nice ambience , Nice Food , Nice music ... MY VERDICT : Yeah .. Good place , Good music , Good Ambience & Not so bad Food .

Starters : Beef Tataki ~~ ( Raw Beef Sashimi )

-- First taste was raw beef .. but upon further chewing ..hmm .. yummy sweet juicy and succulent beef slices . Added abit of Tabasco Sauce to give it a kick .Nice . Added some black pepper to the raw beef slices ..Aww ..The ground Pepper brought out the natural flavours of the meat .
Personally , 4 out of 5 Stars ...

SunShine's 1st dish : Gratin with Scallops & Prawns ...

In Sunshine's words , it was terrible ... Not Cheesy enough and quite watery ... Only the 2 prawns were fresh n nice .. we ate the prawns , Sunshine grumble and grumble , I didnt wanna spoil her meal ... asked the waitress over ... The waitress agreed that it wasnt supposed to be watery , Offered to waive this order , and asked Sunshine to make a new order .
Gratin with Prawns & Scallop ... 3 out of 5 stars . Waitress Service : 4 out of 5 stars .

My dish : Tonkatsu Set with Miso Soup , Pickles , Salad.

The Pork Cutlet was crispy and thick ( worth it , but abit too thick to bite off ) + BBQ sauce that you can add on your own .. The Salad was Good and the salad Dressing was unique ..Potato Salad was average . Miso Soup was the best Miso Soup i ever had . Lots of Ingredients like chicken meat , beancurd slices , and some jellythingy...Tonkatsu Set --- 4 out of 5 Stars

SunShine's replacement dish came ~~ Assorted Seafood .

Verdict : Power !! Fresh prawns , fresh Fish , OMG FRESH SCALLOPS !! My favourite !!4 out of 5 Stars !!!

Ma Maison is located @ Parco Bugis Junction Level 2 .. Above the Arcade ... Nice Food .. Super nice ambience + Good music + Dim lighting .. perfect place to enjoy a nice dinner with loved ones .. One of my really nice experiences @ a nice cozy restaurant ... We enjoyed the long time spent (1.5 hours) ... the food..And pricing was really quite reasonable ..for such great ambience and fresh food & friendly people


Brought her to the DHL Helium Balloon ride ... $23 per adult for 10 minutes flight ...

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We were lucky to catch the last flight for the day ... 40 Storeys high ... 360 Degree view of City area ... Fantastic Sight to behold ... And everyone is quiet onboard ... juz admiring the view ....

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Simply a lovely and unforgettable night ... I am definitely looking forward to our next anniversary and more more more more more more anniversaries to come !!!

XiaoMaGe Happily signing off ,



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