Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Of Friendster & Testimonials ....

Was Really Really bored today .. surfed everywhere and anywhere .. except for my textbooks .. 19 more days to exams .. its really making me panick .. but somehow juz really have no guts , no feeling , to read through whatever I have studied for the past 2 months ..

Went into Friendster , and started surfing around my friends' profiles & my own profile ... Read through my own testimonials , to see my friends' impression on me ... and also to check out how my friends have been doing ...

Left some of them new testimonials & messages , juz to tell them that I have not forgotten them ... Simply couldnt finish leaving to all my friends ... although I cherish many of them ... Its juz that I have been to many places , met & known many friends ... it just isnt possible to meet up with all of them ...

Primary Sch friends , Sec Sch friends , NPCC & CI friends, Shooting club friends , Working friends , BMT Buddies , Changi Airbase friends , SISPEC friends , ADSD friends and more ... How to meet up with all? Friendster & MSN is my best bet of staying in Contact ...

With blogs , I can keep myself updated on my friends who keep blogs , but I Guess I am the only Gungho person who updates my blog quite regularly ... The rest simply too busy to update ...

Sometimes I really think that its really the law of nature , for things to happen. There must be things/events happening everyday! Arbo the news stations will be out of business ...
Juz look @ 9-11 , Iraq War , and the Recent Thai Coup , The Taiwan Anti-Bian rallies & the Latest North Korean Nuclear Tests.. There are always such events happening , that not only affects the Countries itself , but also other countries around it ...
I do believe we Singaporeans need to be more aware of our surroundings , as we cannot take for granted the peace and stability that we are having now. The "gahmen" is trying soOoo hard to educate us without making us panick & start stockpiling on food , water & gas-masks ...
Imagine we are Japan or South Korea , and the "Northern Commies" start to be funny with their Nuclear weapons. I guess with our Singaporean Characteristics of "Kiasu , Kiasi-ism" , we would probably have all run away , or sent our troops over to deal with the "Kim Faggot" with curly hair.
Peace & Stability should not be taken from granted... Regional crisises can spill over to our region , and we would feel the effects of the aftershocks ... Juz think Thai Coup & Indonesian Haze .. We Cant fight the fires , but we could do well , to prepare for such uncertainties , like prepare enough masks, prepare enough food & rations in the event of a war or disaster.
I miss Taipei ... So does Sunshine , Shawna , Weewee ... Now with the Anti-Bian Rallies , the friendly Taiwanese mutate into Fierocious Protestors in Red . Even our Hotel Manager in Taipei thinks so ... tells us Chen Shui Bian 's Ugly misdeeds everynight before we sleep ... ( such Good Service .. We miss the hotel too ) ...
Personally , I believe the Joker is corrupt... And To think logically , If he isnt a Screwed up President , why are the Taiwanese all Eager to have a Piece of his ass ? Any normal person with a sense of Shame would have left his post since There are so many person calling for his departure.
XiaoMaGe The CEO Signing out ....


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