Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Nothing Spoils the day more than an Irresponsible Bitch of a Team-Mate ...

1st , the happy stuff .. then the FUCKEDUP STUFF ...

Went to School to finalise the Marketing project today .. It is really amazing In a Bad Way. Argh .. Fuck the spoilsport stuff first .

Went to Bukit Panjang to play bowling again .. My first time taking the LRT ... Wah .. So SuaKU .. but I am impressed with the Technology involved . But 90cents for travelling from 1 station to the other ... is AMAZINGLY EXPENSIVE ( Single Trip ) .. Went to Rae's house for project editing ..
Our group ( KokFai , Raquel , Rae & me & Jennifer ) loves bowling.. 2nd time for KF , Rae , Raquel and myself playing together , while Jennifer learnt to bowl today ... It was Great !!

KokFai had 4 continous X sTrikes X , while we all had our fair shares of Strikes & Spares . Everyone had a great time I suppose , with the cheers , high-5s

"The Pose"

Went to Dinner with Kok Fai & Raquel @ long John ... Had a filling meal of Fish & Chicken .. very bad & very good Customer Service from 2 individual Sales Crew ... Raquel had a Good mind to praise the guy .. while I had the urge to tell the girl that her service attitude was bad ... but oh never mind ..

Bowlers From left to Right : Marcus , KokFai in Red , Rae with the Finger and Raquel ...


NOW THE FUCKED UP SHIT THAT TURNED ME OFF , or otherwise a very Good day

Our Groupmate Vivi Canceria Tan , The Very Irritating & Idiotic Girl whom I mentioned in Previous entries who sent our work to her friend to edit WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION ... Has pulled off a Stunt again .

This Afternoon , She insisted & kept trying to persuade us to let her friend ( a FREELANCE Copywriter ) edit our work . I felt Uncomfortable because it was our work , supposed to be done by us ... and WE COULDNT risk him not vetting it in time for us to compile & consolidate ....

Vivi told us very confidently that Her friend would be able to vet through and edit within 2 hours .. and gave us the assurance .. DunO what Possessed the rest to agree to her proposal .. I even brought up the issue @ the bus stop ..but decided to brush it off for the sake of getting " better" grades with the "better" English. THATS WHY WE HAPPILY WENT BOWLING , believing that She would send us the edited version tonight for our portions to be completed .

@ 2300++ , the irresponsible bitch sent us this email that made our blood boil :

"just a minor edit. we're too drunk to do anything after. but dun worry the first 6 pages was edited before any dinner or drinks. the rest should be fine after u guys edited them i read them before hand. my printer ran out of ink. so someone please print this."

She had the Cheek to tell us that her friend could complete it in 2 hours ... yet she NOW Shamelessly Says they went For Dinner and got drunk .. And only edited 6 out of 20 pages ... AND THREW BACK RESPONSIBILITY TO US .. by saying we edited 1st round in the afternoon .. should be ok ... >> IF THAT IS THE CASE .. why do we even Need to LET YOUR FRIEND EDIT IN THE FIRST PLACE ?

  1. Empty Promises made
  2. Not seeking our permission previous time round .. and letting your friend edit our work ... Is that respect for your team mates ?
  3. NO Sense of Priority again ... Getting drunk before you settle your Project And Having the Cheek to tell us you Got Drunk .....
  4. No Sense of responsibilty ... Taking up the job .. NOT COMPLETING IT , and pushing it back to your team-mates @ 2300++ and GOING TO BED DEAD DRUNK , without sending in your work when Tomorrow is the Deadline !!
  5. Shamelessly shifting responsibility back to your team-mates , trying to Smoke through saying it has been edited , should be not a problem ... >> SO WHY DID YOU KEEP ASKING US TO LET YOUR Friend VET THROUGH In THE FIRST PLACE ??
  6. so someone please print this." >> Which mother's son/daughter are u ordering to print ?? >> you juz get "someone" to print your report ... Not knowing who will take up the responsibilty and you Go to bed an Intoxicated Bitch ... Isnt it a Convenient way to shrug off all responsibilities and Juz wait for your team-mates to struggle til 3am in the morning...This is How Responsible you are ....

Now prepare to bear the wrath , as I am not the only one pissed with you .. I am very glad this project is over .

XiaoMaGe , signing out ...


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