Sunday, October 08, 2006

How to Kill a Singaporean with Technology & Haze

Most Talked about Topic -- Haze .
Most Cursed people -- Indonesians for the fires
Most Amazing Miracle -- Ang Mo Kio New Town "Disappears "

Took this photo @ 6.10pm ... PSI 126 .. On normal days , I can See Ang Mo Kio New Town clearly .. and even See the MRT trains ... but Now I cannot See beyond the mosque & Bishan Stadium . Did a Contrast on the photo to enhance AMK New Town , And I STILL CANNOT SEE ANG MO KIO !! ... The haze is really bad.

Some MSN nicks Complaining abt the Haze .....

  • : Saccha : The haze is killing me
  • ~= Joyous Joy ~ Hey Guys , PSI Go up to 80 liao , Must take care k ?
  • WZ- Lets create rain , Boil Water & Evaporate them to the Sky haha ( Wacky idea to clear the haze)
  • Mel - Haze , Damn Haze - Everytime I think abt it , I juz get so pissed off .
  • Ferdy - Dear Indonesia , Fug chiu (Fuck you ) Understand?
  • [TzeLiang] - Everywhere Haze ... See what moon ?
  • [Zhiqun]- Cough Cough . So Hazy !

And Many more ....

I personally think the haze situation is getting bad. Its becoming a habit of the Idiots Or has it become a season? ... for those fuckers to start forest fires during the dry seasons. One Malay Taxi driver that I spoke to , said he thought it was those big Indonesian Companies who wanted to clear land the fast & cheap way. Burn , Pay Bribes , Point Fingers @ the Orang Asli ( Local Indigenous tribes ) ... And he thought it was possible that their "gahmen" possibly knew the culprits , " Ate Some $$$" , and keep quiet.

For the gains they get , who suffers ? Neighbouring Countries get the shit . Its juz so irresponsible & Inconsiderate of them . Its Juz like they Pee & Shit Upstream in the river while we Drink their peeshit @ the bottom of the river . Fuckin faggots .. I really wonder what morals do they have .

We Suffer health problems , Tourist visitor rates fall , People stop shopping , lower spending , GDP falls ( Ah .. MacroEconomics again) .. Singapore GDP Fall .. who Compensate ? And Farrrr-kin' hell , we still have to donate $Cash$ & supplies to them when they get Tsunamis & earthquakes. NOW I KNOW WHY WE HAVE TO PAY SO MUCH TAX.


I was @ Bugis Macdonalds earlier , using SunShine's lappy .. Tapped the wireless of Bugis Mac .. Nearly grew white hair waiting for the pages to load . The Connection was Uber Slow .. took minutes to load 1 page... totally killed off all hopes of Blogging in Mac .

Then I realised that We Singaporeans have become too reliant on Technology. More than 60% of our population is IT Savvy , with most of us connected to the net 24/7. I am addicted to MSN , my blog , Friendster & other webbies ... coz its the convenient way to keep in touch with my friends and the world .. So much So that I get irritated, flustered , frustrated if I am denied of a Computer WITH INTERNET ACCESS ..

We are relying SoOOo much on Technology... MSN , 3G Handphones , 3G PDA phones , MP3 Mp4 Players. Try asking any teenager to leave their handphones @ home for a day , they would probably choose to take the trouble to go home to get it , Coz EVERYONE WANTS TO STAY CONNECTED & CONTACTED ... Movies are booked online , PSI Index is checked Online , Almost everything can be done online .. Even our Military relies excessively on 3G Technology as Force Multipliers for our forces , with their HighTech Gadgets which I Shant elaborate ...

Simply deny a Singaporean of Internet Access & his Handphone , we would probably hang ourselves or Jump OFF a building ( Ok I exaggerated) , they would probably buy a new one... So I Shudder @ the thought of a IT-less Singapore.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Movie Recommendation : ROB-B-HOOD

Went to watch this movie with CK , Angel & SunShine ...Interesting Movie with a Good plot , Shows Jackie Chan in another light, as usual , the Goody Guy with a twist .. Really amazing .. So old liao still can perform SoOOooO Many Stunts .. has some moral values like Compassion , Kinship etc ... Rating : 4 .5 Stars out of 5 Stars ...

XiaoMaGe, CEO of my own life , Signing out ..


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