Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Juz back from a Run ... Like after SoOO many donkey Months of Inactivity in my limbs ...Finally Got my horse-powered legs back to life again . It always feels refreshing to Perspire "free-flow" , running @ your own pace , without any Instructors chowing down behind your ass , spewing vulgarities @ you. But admittedly .. the verbal Abuse helps.

Had an average day in school today .. Reached School early .. Early enough to be the 1st in the group .. took a short nap before waking up to see Vivi coming in . She came up to me and asked : ARE YOU OK ? ( as if I was sick ) .. I replied : "SLEEPING" in a irritated tone.

She then proceeded shamelessly to ask me for my MacroEcons notes. I deliberated for 30 seconds, rummaged through my bag , flipped through the pages ................... AND PUT MY NOTES ON MY TABLE TOP . She wants my notes ?? DAN GU GU , WAIT LONG LONG !!

She skips school for her own leisure .. She lets down her project mates .. She is a boastful & Arrogant Character ... I am TOO PETTY to lend her my notes. I PUT IN 100 % Effort for MacroEconomics ok ? ( She later asked from Calvin , and even commented on his complicated notes , NEVER COME SCHOOL , HOW TO UNDERSTAND ??)

**Thank you all my friends who msned me / read my blog , to tell me that my groupmate sucked. Yeah Thanks .


NO Prizes for guessing who is Jack & Who is Adelene

Finally Adelene has the time to send me her Convocation photos .. Surprisingly the photo looks good without any " Divine Intervention" from Photoshop God ..And I Look Slim .. OoOH La La ..

Juz wondering when its Gonna be my turn wearing the gown & the mortar board ...Will I even get to smell it>? School is a slow torture.. I wish I was earning $$$ Thousands $$$ now .. I miss my Salary+ Comm .. I miss spending $$$ without blinking or thinking.

Finally , to end this day , I present a Very sweet girl that Could land you in Hospital with Diabetes . The Clip is Worth watching ... Juz for this sweet sweet girl ... OoOh La La ...

XiaoMaGe Signing out .... Yeah .. CEO Of my Own Life ...


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