Monday, October 23, 2006

A Crude Conversation

My Auntie : Why didnt you do your "business" downstairs @ the community club ?
Me : I didnt wanna "close the deal" there ..
My Auntie : Why not ? Dirty ah ?
Me : Dont you know I am a picky person who chooses where to "close my deals ?" I need LOADS Of toilet paper & Best to have water ... to comfortably "close a deal"
My Auntie : Dont they provide toilet paper @ the community club ?
Me : Try paying 20cents for less than a metre of toilet paper ... (provided I have the coins , and CAN MAKE IT IN TIME to dig out my coins & not shit in my pants ) ... I rather close the deal in the comfort of my own home.

FREE FLOW Toilet Paper , FREE Flow Water ... Conducive & Clean Environment .. No interruptions from Another "bomber" suddenly rushing into the toilet , disrupting your deal when he "closes his deal" with a big splash / or "Heavy Machine Gunfire " and a loud AhhHhhh" >> Yes it happens in public toilets ..

My points : Emptying One's bowels is an extremely private business ... if we are made to pay for public bombing ranges ..( fair enough) ... dun make me pay money and give me soOooO little toilet paper ... Not even enough to clean the bowls ...

I dont mind Paying $1.00 - $2.00 for a Super Good Toilet Experience ... Dry floors , Ample toilet paper , Conducive & private cubicle with no gaps ( Machiam in your own world ) .. Nice smelling Deodorant to freshen up ... Thats all I ask for .. and thats what I am willing to Pay Good money for ... (Afterall .. its not often you have the urge to explode in your pants Everyday outside of your house !)

To Sum it up with Tiger Beer's previous & Current Slogans ...

Give That man a Beer !! ..... NO ... Give that Man Enough Toilet Paper !
What Time issit ?? Its Revision Time !!!

XiaoMaGe Signing out ...


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