Sunday, November 05, 2006

Newton Food Circus

Went with CK , angel & SunShine to the newly renovated Newton Food Circus to check out the new Hawker centre ...Very Good impression of the revamped Hawker centre ...

Angel said die die must try out the Zi char Stall featuring an auntie with an " exploded" hairstyle ... And So we did ... by luck , "Explosive Hair Auntie" walked past us 3 times !! and we waved her over ...

After much recommendations ... we decided on Kailan with Oyster Sauce , Calamari ( our Must-have ) , Sambal StingRay ( In Revenge for Steve ), stir-fried tofu & Oyster Omelette

Total Damage came up to $64 ... $16 per pax ... abit scary ... but still acceptable , considering its a tourist attraction , and the portions were still reasonable ...

Observed that Newton Food Centre was using lots of foam plates , cups , bowls ... it was really quite scary to know how much foam plates are thrown away everyday ... coz it inevitably causes harm to our environment ..

Was quite bored ... So went Roaming around , decided to go to Changi Airport .. to See See look Look ... Really quite bored people for the night , as we have travelled around town ... ( Singapore Aint big , and there are no night markets like Taipei ) .. So it gets boring now and then ...

Juz waiting around for the girls outside the toilet , ended up getting snapped

Got uber bored again ... I decided to bring them to another famous stretch of "couple-couple " spots along ECP ... famous for having cars with newspaper sheets spreaded out all over their windows ...

Once went with Azman , Yongquan and phil ... we accidentally saw a girl giving a guy a Good blowj*b ... The guy was SoOooOO high ... he didnt bother about us watching as the girl's head went bobbling up & down ...

but Sadly ... yesterday was a generally covered up event ...

I needa hit my books ... 2 days left .. and I am left with SoOo much shit to revise ... Argh .. last paper .. I must Hang in there !!!


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