Tuesday, November 07, 2006


YES !!! Its Finally over !!! Exams are Over !!!

No more Burning Midnight Oil @ AMK Macdonalds !! .. !! NO More SWEETENING Iced Lemon Tea ( I juz got SoOO Sick of Macdonalds's Super Sweet Iced Lemon Tea) ... Spent 3 nights mugging til dawn , and 2 day sessions @ AMK's various Macdonald outlets ... Super freaked out by Macdonalds' ...

Preparations for Exams was really demoralising ...

Accumulation of Shit -- Defined as the accumulation of work to be revised last min. Student has to revise up to 17 Chapters ( marketing ) , 11 Chapters (Accounting ) , 5 chapters (MacroEconomics) , and trying to reunderstand or Understanding the chapter FOR THE 1st Time.

I learnt a very big lesson in revising my work early & executing proper time management , and making it a point to understand EACH lecture .. instead of trying to play God in trying to summarise the chapters in 2 days .

Mood was terrible during the exams period .... I suffered fatigue and ironically , INSOMNIA due to nervousness and worrying about the unknown ... I tossed & turned in bed each night , wondering what to do if I failed my exams ... jumping up from weird nightmares , hearing voices asking me what is Accounts Payable for the Year Ended 05 DEC XX ... wtf ...

I went without food for long hours without feeling a slight tinge of hunger ... surviving only on Iced Lemon Tea & the occasional morsels of Food ... I pity my half bowl of Bah Chor Mee & 3/4 untouched Fried Chicken Rice ...

I SURVIVED THE EXAMS FOR SEM 01 !! NOW , I shall only be waiting for the moment of Truth !! On DEC 06 2006 ... when my efforts will come to light ....

btw : RMIT 's marking scheme parodied as below

HD -- Highly Damaged <>
DI -- Damn Intelligent <>
CR -- Confirm Retake <>
PASS -- Pass And Sure Score
NN -- NIN NIA-eh ... Fail ah ? <>

So Much things to Do , so much events I wish to enjoy And Mike's Shooting Club is Gonna Start Soon .. that means I can resume shooting Again !!! ... but 1st 1st 1st , Back to Work @ SiS tomorrow .... CHIONG AH !!! Money Here I Come !!!

Special Thanks to : ( In no order of Merit)

  • Tee Gong @ AMK Ave 10 ( divine blessings )
  • Tua Pek Gong @ AMK Ave 10 ( divine blessings )
  • Buddha @ home ( divine blessings )

  • Calvin ( For his expertise help in my revision of Accounting & Macro Econ modules , coming down all the way from Woodlands to AMK to revise with me , and his patience in answering my questions )
  • Jennifer ( For answering all my calls , listening to me grumble , motivating me with her kind words )
  • Kok Fai ( For answering all my calls , talking cock with me , and giving me logical advice on how to look @ the exams in another perspective )
  • Candice ( For answering my call @ 2am in the morning , patiently solving an Accounts question with me )

And LAST But NOT LEAST , My dearest SunShine ... for giving me unconditional love & encouragement during my grouchy and impatient period of exams ....


XiaoMaGe , signing out ...


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