Monday, November 13, 2006

A weekend of Good Food & Gatherings

Everything is SoOooOoo SHIOK after exams ...

With Exams out of the mind , there are countless things that I can do , and I want to do ..And slowly slowly .. I set out to achieve it ...

Its been quite a great week ... I have been shopping and spending like CRAZY ... See anything I like = BUY ... Crave for Good Food = Eat .


Went for Sakae Sushi Buffet @ FUNAN IT MALL after work , with SunShine , WeeWee & Shawna ... Queued like Blardy 45 mins to get seats in the restaurant ... ended up squeezing ourselves into a booth meant for 2 persons.

The Food was only average ... And limited compared to SAKURA BUFFET .

We paid $26 per pax ... Baby Octopus was missing , The VERY IMPORTANT SALMON SASHIMI wasnt in the list ... No Tempura ... And Drinks were additional charges . I am starting to miss Sakura Buffets ... No more Sakae Sushi Buffets for me ... NO NO NO .

Another day that I have been looking forward to . Azman was having his Annual Hari Raya Open House. Its been quite long since we Gang Of Brothers and Beatty NPCC people gathered up ...

Woke up "early enough" @ 1335 in the afternoon ... to go over to help Azman with Food preparation & to buy Ismadi's cake .. Raining Cats & Dogs ... but still , we drove over to Toa Payoh to shop for cake & food ...

Phil , Madi , Myself , Ronny , Mable , Meiru , Adelene , YQ , Boon & YanFang attended Azman's Open House this year ...

There was a major Hari Raya Food Fest as Azman & his mum worked real hard to prepare our Yearly Favourites like Beef Rendang , Mee Siam , Fried Chix Wings Muslim Style .. Veg Dumplings , And Sayur Popiah ( Vegetable Spring Rolls ) ...

We ended the night as nearly 35 of us ( inclusive of Azman's biker friends) celebrated Ismadi's 25th Birthday with a Song and a simple cake-cutting ceremony ...

~~ Its very comforting to be back in the company of my buddies whom I have known since my Secondary School days... These NPCC people have Gone through THICK & THIN with me .. as Cadet Inspectors during our Area 6 NPCC days .. We have all been busy , and it is only through such events & gatherings that we gather together to chat & catch up with one another ... and it is through these years , that we have seen each and every one of us grow up ...

Went to meet up with CK , Angel & SunShine ( who managed to meet us after her revisions) after the gathering .. for Prata @ WestCoast Road .... Had a Good meal and chat over prata .... KuKu Angel was sOooO Disciplined ... Insisted on counting every gram of fat that we consumed ... She ended up Droolingz while we enjoyed our prata ....


Woke up early today again ... to meet up with Ismadi , Boon , YQ , Adelene & Azman @ Plaza Singapura ... for a Pizza Hut treat from Ismadi .

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Well ... the Hawaiian Pizza & SeaFood Pizzas were quite tasty , as always with Pizza Hut's standards and reputation as the largest Pizza Chain in the world ..... Until I heard Adelene getting very irritated and disgusted .

She had Seen a particular waitress using the table cloth to wipe the tables clean ... AND USING THE SAME TABLE CLOTH to WIPE the utensils @ other tables !! I was really quite shocked to hear that , as we were very engrossed in our conversations ...

Adelene had a good mind to inform the Branch Manager of the incident ... but when we were about to leave , we didnt manage to See the manager ....

When we left , the waitresses said: Thank you ... See you Again ! We forced a smile and mumbled to ourselves that we would Never to Go PS 's Pizza Hut again ..

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A Messy Table = Big project on the way ! I love Handicrafts & creating things ..Went around buying stuffs these few days ... Gathering Materials ...Quite a challenging project ! hahah ... I still have a few Special Forces Soldiers model kits left unpainted .. 2 Helicopters unassembled .. Its Gonna be a Fun-Filled holiday for me !!! WoOoHoooO !!

Its Gonna be another busy week @ Work ..... Gonna Conk out ...

XiaoMaGe , signing out ...


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