Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Auntie , Can you trim my toenails for me ?? Thank you

A rather restless day @ Work ... Got restless from calling all the irrelevant people ...

I liken my job to fishing ... I Fish ( call ) for Leads ( big fishes ) ... On a Good day .. I can get 13 big fishes ( 13 request for Quotations .. ) ... and I somehow like this job , for the satisfaction of getting a catch everyday ..

But today apparently wasnt a very good day to start with ...

Woke up in time ... Bathed , washed up in time , got to Bishan MRT station in time ... only to STARE BLANKLY @ 2 FUCKING Trains pass by me .. before I got onto the 3rd one.

What really peeved me off , was the Passengers/Commuters ( Army Term : ClusterFuck ) Gather around @ the entrance ... while the middle of the Cabin was literally spacious enuff to fit myself & @ least 5 more adults in. It is a vicious Cycle ... IT Happens everyday ! Every Peak Hour Train !

They should launch a " THERE-IS-NO-GHOST-IN-THE-MIDDLE-OF-CABIN" Campaign ... to educate everyone to move in ! Middle Got Ghost ah ?

Because of the Selfish people @ the entrances , Unlucky Commuters get stuck on the platform while the train moves oFF without filling up to REASONABLE Capacity ! I hear People Complain that it is very cramped ... But WTF .. They are all @ the entrances ! When the doors open , More people try to perform Stunts by juz Pushing and Shoving their way in ... but Still ... NOT MANY move to the middle of the car !

To Make things worst ... When the train stops @ the next station , The people crowding @ the entrances DO NOT BUDGE or step out to allow other passengers to alight ... They juz Stand there , with a Regimented Duty of being the DOOR-God ... making it difficult for other passengers to alight ...WHY??!! because they are afraid of being punished for being kind-hearted ... I was kind-hearted and GOT PUNISHED on a few occasions , to be a gracious passenger ...

I stepped out to allow other passengers to alight ... Only to find myself stuck on the platform while other passengers boarded the train. So what does it teach you ?? IT DOESNT PAY TO BE KIND !!

If Only We were all Programmed like robots , to be gracious and considerate .. to Shift in into the middle to allow other commuters to board ... And step out to allow passengers to alight , and give way to alighting passengers ... the MRT would be really a World-class transport ...Fuck . I must be dreaming ...

Took Bus 111 to Orchard to Meet the Tiger & Shizhen for dinner ... Was onboard the bus , minding my own business .. but not for long ... when i heard a distinct "Cick , Cick , Cick" sound .
My Jaws juz dropped .

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AUNTIE happily Set Up Manicure booth in SBS BUS
This Auntie was happily grooming herself .. trimming her nails on the bus ... I watched in amazement as she steadily clipped clipped clipped each finger skilfully ... The nail-clipper gave a very distinct crisp click as she skilfully clipped each nail 4 times .
After She finished her left hand , She started on the right ... I watched on ... only to find her nonchalantly sweeping all her "body parts" off her clothes , onto the seat .. and onto the floor .
I was So "impressed that I had the urge to take oFF my Shoes and ask : " Auntie .. can you trim my toenails for me ?"
NO !!! I Was really pissed @ her that I had the urge to shame her infront of everyone ... or simply take off my shoes and really ask her to clip my toenails since she is already So Buay paiseh to trim her own !!
Trimming of nails is personal grooming , juz like trimming of nasal ( Nose ) hair , Or Digging of Nose ... can u imagine her leaving her nail bits all over the seat and on the floor >??!! The gravity of this incident is akin to An Auntie digging her nose & sticking the "Pi-sai" on the seat !! Its the same right ? Its all from their body .. and they happily leave it behind for the next passenger !!
With such "world-class" passengers , its No wonder Our "World-class" transport becomes second class ...
XiaoMaGe , Signing out ...


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