Monday, November 20, 2006

BRAND OF THE YEAR -- White Tiger

Went to Bugis Arcade with Wilson & Phil to donate $$ good Money $$ to SEGA AFTER BURNER CLIMAX ... Came to a conclusion that the Blardy Arcade people must have adjusted the difficulty levels ... In order to kill us earlier in the games .. So that we would "donate more money" to the machines .

ALAS !! ... We fell into the blerdy trap ... Coz we Juz Got too addicted to this exciting Fighter Pilot game that actually MOVES to Simulate a FighterPilot Cockpit !

We realised that Phillip 's "White Tiger" brand actually could be associated with many products On the market !

  1. White Tiger Airways
  2. Tiger Lager Beer -- White Tiger Medallion** Latest edition
  3. White Tiger's Balm
  4. SouthEastAsian White Tiger Fund ( Its real ! Bengali White tigers Face Extinction!)

Famous Fighter Planes Include :

  • F-14 Tomcat
  • F-15 Eagle
  • F-16 Fighting Falcon
  • F-18 Super Hornet &
  • Our very Own Phillip's F-17 Super White Tiger !

** Readers are Welcome to Comment or Suggest New brands for Phillip !!


XiaoMaGe signing out


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