Monday, December 25, 2006

JinGle Bells , JinGle Bells , Cycle all the Way ...

4 mad people went to Pulau Ubin to cycle on Xmas eve morning , knowing that there would be rain , they wouldnt be able to stay dry ... but they went anyway ... YEAH , that was us alrite ...

All Efforts have been made to cover up their not-so-slim areas .. arbo they will complain I choose lousy fotos to post on blog ...Hahah ..

The weather was really quite bad ... decided to enjoy our Changi Nasi Lemak @ Ubin Jetty , before renting our bikes ... Cycle in the rain lor ... quite cooling anyway ...

Became Chaffeur for the day , because Ms NaNa dun know how to cycle ...( I have only given rides to a few lucky girls in my life ) So she became the 5th lucky lady who received a ride from me ..

Cycled to Noordin Beach via the adventurous route through the route to the old NPCC Campsite gate ... which turned out to be fun but quite dangerous really ...

Hidden Danger to inexperienced cyclists , who could simply cycle into the river ...

Cycled past the old rubber plantation , which was muddy & slippery .. and past the old sluice gates , which were letting out excess water @ gushing speeds ...

The River banks were overflowing , and the route was flooded with the river water .... It was quite a scary sight as we couldnt be sure whether the route ahead was dangerous .

I assessed the situation, considered my options and decided to push on ... Reminded the girls constantly to be aware of their surroundings and look where they were cycling into ..

Along the way , Shawna Slipped and fell into the mud ... a 1.5 m long monitor lizard crossed our paths ... but we managed to get out of the danger zone safely .

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The rain didnt manage to douse our spirits , ( not @ least for Sunshine , Weewee & me ) ... even Nana also kept her own morale high , by laughing and giggling non stop , and pedalled hard whenever I told her to KEEP PEDALLING !!! ... and we cleared slopes after slopes ...

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My 3 bOoOtiful Wifes ....

Brought them to the tianchi Quarry to have a quickie ... look ... snap some nice fotos ... before we called it a day ... still a fantastic view to behold ... We left for mainland Soon after ..


Went to Orchard Cineleisure @ midnight , to soak in the Xmas atmosphere ... It was really quite happening , as everyone was out in the streets partying ... spraying passerbys with the foam & confetti sprays ...

You could see funny happenings everywhere ... I saw one Indian/ Bangala spraying @ a group of chinese guys & gals ... and the group immediately returned fire by zua-ing the Indian's face ... until the foam accumulated into a thick floft ...

Tsk Tsk tsk .. really reminds me of XiaXue's long long time ago entry ... on the Foreign workers spraying confetti @ the girls' eyes , then groping their titties when they are disorientated by the sprays ...

Saw a fight between some chinese outside Cineleisure ,, throwing punches & flying kicks ...... Saw a group of Indians yelling & shouting outside Mini toons .. making a fool of themselves , but not for long ... the plainclothes police & their backup arrived soon after ... to check their IDs ...

Went for KTV from 2pm til 6pm ...damn tired .... and Blogspot is screwing up again .. I cant post up my Pastamania fotos .... Argh ,..

Wishing everyone a Merry Xmas !!

XiaoMaGe , signing out ...

** Taipei Fotos have been received !! Day to Day updates will be up soon !


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