Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Its Been Awhile !!!

Its been a mind-blowing week for me ....

Completed our 2nd Taipei trip (06 Dec 06 - 11 Dec 06 ) just 5 mths after the 1st trip ( 1st trip was 7th Jul 06 to 12 Dec 06 ) ....

Then Resumed Shooting Practice after a long long standoFF today !! simply an enjoyable week doing all my favourite stuffs with SunShine and with friends ..

IPSC Shooting

Did IPSC Shooting with Hougang Sec NPCC Unit today ... Sort of happy to see NPCC people taking part in the sport ... Lots of comments on today .. but have feedback my comments to the our team .. So Will juz share photos of the shoot .

The Pistol replicas that we use .... Looks very very much and works very very much like real guns .

** Will hold back on the other shooting fotos for confidential reasons ... until everything is finalised .. then Will post more shooting fotos of us in action !!


Posting some fotos of the 2nd Taipei trip ...Simply a Fantastic trip !!! very very smooth trip .. with our favourite Hotel Manager bringing us to many places ... eating exotic foods like Sharks meat , Ducks tongue ... Exploring beautiful world-famous scenery like Taroko Gorge , YangMing Shan ... and much more !! Simply smooth and memorable .

**Candeez , me will post a day by day update on the Taipei Trip to share more beautiful fotos when I receive my copy ...

Miss weewee , Me , SunShine & Miss Nana @ Taroko Gorge , Swallow Grotto .. Simply fantastic scenery of the mountains , valleys ...

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Us @ YangMingShan National Park ...

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Lucky Us Sitting @ the bow of the ferry all the way in COld ColD weather !! WOohOoO !!

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Our Favourite Hotel Manager who brought us to Eat Sharks Meat , Ducks tongue .. Go play with us @ Shih Lin , and treated us to good meals ! WHAT GOOD SERVICE !!!

Stay tuned for more updates on the Taipei trip ++ fotos !!

XiaoMaGe , signing out


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