Monday, January 01, 2007

A Recap Of 2006 & New Year resolutions

First of all , a very very Happy New Year 2007 to all of You reading this entry !!

Year 2006 has been a good year for me , and I was actually quite reluctant to let it go ...It was really quite smooth-sailing generally , although It was my "tai-sui" year ... I was supposed to be cursed in the Year of the Dog .. as I was born in the Year of the Dog ... But I guess I was sincere in praying to "Tai-Sui-Ye" ! Thank You Tai Sui Ye !! Definitely Year 2007 will be a better year for me !!!

A fast Recap on what happened to me in 2006

Jan -- Working & Slacking on & OFF as a Dopod promoter in Bugis & Takashimaya , made some new friends & learnt more on presenting & selling to customers face to face ... Smooth ... CNY was good ... will be looking forward to CNY 2007 , hopefully can open hse as usual , for all my buddies & friends to come round .. Feb -- Valentine's Day with my SunShine ... celebrated with her @ ECP , a mini SuShi Buffet with wine by the beach ... good sushi , good Royce Chocos .. good wine , good music .. good company ...

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March to June -- Cant recall much.. Been Working ... enjoying the joy of earning & spending money ... But i recall myself earning quite abit from Commissions ... earning $1050 Commission for 3 mths of work ... through hard honest work on the phone ..

July -- Marcus , SunShine , Weewee & Nana went for our 1st Taipei trip !! Everything was superbly Smooth ... We visited numerous places of interests in Taipei , and made friends with the Taiwanese ... Little did we know we would go back to Taipei just 5 months later in DECEMBER 2006 !

July also marked the beginning of my school life again .... as a University Undergraduate @ RMIT- SIM ... got to know some new friends in Kok Fai , rae , Raquel , Candice , met old friends like Calvin & Jennifer ... also Fucking bitches like Vivi ....

It's good to be in school again , as I am quite afraid of loneliness ..and enjoy the company of friends and company .. engaging in Cock Talk ..

August's most important event was definitely my sunShine's birthday ... which unfortunately wasnt spent in any exciting way ... which i still feel guilty for ... but bo pian .. which I made up for in other ways ... like a Romantic Dinner in Sept ...

September was definitely a memorable month for me & Sunshine ... September 25th was our very very very 1st Anniversary ... ( refer to hyperlink ) spent the night having a nice dinner @ Ma Maison , then a short but memorable ride on the DHL hot-air Balloon ...

27th Sept was my birthday , spent it with SunShine & close friends @ Sakura Buffet ...
Oct - Nov marked a very scary & stressful period in my life ... took my university exams like after 3-4 years of NON-STUDYING life .. spent countless nights @ Macdonalds with " HD Calvin" .. mugging til mornings .. and back to books again .. Terrible life that I am fated to repeat for another 4 semesters ..

November - December was back to work with SiS again ... attended my first Microsoft Reseller's Event @ SunTec City , it was well beyond my scope as a part-timer , but was glad I attended the event as I got to meet up with Many of the resellers that I often called on the phones ..

December 06- 011 was also a memorable week , as WE WENT BACK TO TAIPEI AGAIN FOR THE 2nD TIME ! It was really unexpected , but I think the 1st trip was simply wonderful & enjoyable .. The food was great , the company was great , the taiwanese were great , the culture was great .. EVERYTHING WAS GREAT !!

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Last week of December 2006 was total pure enjoyment & madness ...

Wednesday Mambo Night -- Went for the last Mambo Night of the Year 2006 . Went with my clubbing Kakis ( JR & Phil ) and " Mambo Virgin Boy ALAN " ...

Its been awhile since Phil , JR & myself clubbed together ... And the feeling of looking @ JR & Phil getting high to the tunes of mambo favs like Summer rain , I Should be So Lucky , Call Me & much more .. is definitely satisfying and Shiok ... Hahah Its really the mambo-Siaos like us , who know the feeling of such enjoyment ...

Met up with Sharon , Kaixin & Ah Su @ the club ...after 1 flaming Lamboghini , 1 Shot , 1 Mug of Beer & freeflow Vodka Ribena , we danced together for awhile before Ah Su & Kaixin left us for Phuture ... And Something unbelievable just HAPPENED !

A young girl who looked abt 18-20 , just danced with us ! She definitely looked "high" & intoxicated .. She was with another female and male fren . She simply danaced and gyrated around Phillip ... and Phil the Gentleman grew Horns on his head to become the devil ... and Woah ... they increased the temperatures of the dance floor .

Not long after ... the girl got Bored of Phil .. and turned her attention to JR , and repeated her overwhelmingly friendly antics on JR & Alan ... I really got uncomfortable .. and tried to gek gek pretend never See anything ... Until She approached me !!! WAHHH !!!!

This girl wasnt dressed hot to kill .. but She wasnt ugly ! She reminded me of a pretty & Weet U Weet NPCC friend , WY .. who is known in our circle of friends as a very pretty & charming girl with a warm personality ...

  • She kept dancing in front of me ... and I got paiseh ... asked her friend if this girl was feeling Ok ?? The mad friend pulled her over and told her : Eh .. this guy asking if you ok ??
    The girl PUT her arms around me .. and pulled my head to her and said to my ears : ... Dont Worry ... I am Ok ... Just Dance with me ... Just Enjoy !!

    I got dumbfounded .. and Just Yeah Yeah... Dance ... and looked at the ceiling , wishing I knew how to handle the hot situation ... And SHe Put her palms on my cheeks .. and asked me to look @ her while I danced ....

    I replied in a cheeky manner : CANNOT LAH ... I AM VERY SHY !!! Wahahah ... And She started to disturb me further by holding my waist ... Woah .. Touch my fats ... cannot ... cannot ... my fats on my waist are restricted areas just like the fats on your chest ... Woah ... No no ...

    And that was my closest, Hottest & most intimate encounter with a girl @ mambo ....... Its really scary what alcohol can do to a person ... and only the strongest willpower & mind will overcome the many temptations on the dancefloor ....


    The past few nights of December was spent eating favourite foods , playing Uno , Mahjong , enjoying company of friends ... Hanging out ... and just chilling out with SunShine ... @ Cineleisure , Angel's house ... and other places ...

    Getting Fatter & more slack ... Oh Gosh ... and CNY is coming again !!

    New Year Resolutions for the Year 2007

  • Must be more disciplined in studies , must study & revise more instead of cramming & mugging in the last minute .
  • Must learn to control my temper EVEN MORE ( its still not enough ) ...
  • Must Love My SunShine as much if Not more ...
  • Hopefully get my Driving License by Year 2007 .. ( been dragging it since I was 19 years old ..)
  • Hopefully can slim down
  • Hopefully realise all my resolutions ...

Happy New Year 2007 EVERYONE !!!!

XiaoMaGe Signing out .....


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