Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ex Taipei Walker II -- Day 05 ShenKeng + DanShui Lao Jie

Day 05 Finally Up !!!

**** Okie Dokie , here comes the narration ... So many evenTs happening .. but stuck @ Taipei Walker II ... Cant blog abt them ... Shooting , School , CNY , Phil's birthday bash @ dbl O ... OMG ... ++ Exams coming up ... probably gotta Pang zui Lau ( let the water flow ) ...***

Ex Taipei Walker II -- Day 05 ShenKeng + DanShui LaoJie

I remembered We had ample rest after being shagged out from Day 04 , total 16 hours non stop action ... Taipei is really too fun to be missed ... Perhaps is juz me and my 3 ladies ... but I think we really had a lot of fun in Taipei , to go back twice in 2006 , within a short span of 5 months.

After Breakfast ... Zu Ren ( Yes Yes Our Favourite Manager , You will See him later in this entry ) drove us to ShenKeng Lao Jie ... a place famous for Sibei Smelly Tofu that tastes really gOod !!

Here You can See my 3 princesses @ the enTrance of ShenKeng LaoJie ... The Morning air was chilly and we were greeted by the aromatic Pong of the Smelly Toufu .. ( contradicting ) but TRUE !! very very Nice !! Very Very Smelly !!
It was only abt 1040am in the morning ... and ShenKeng was brimming with people ... So crowded yet we enjoyed the "ren qi "

ShenKeng Lao Jie was somehow Similar to JiuFen ... Seems like an old street that has existed for probably more than 50 years ... Signboards everywhere ... Good food @ almost every stall ... Yummy goOOdies ... I had a lime Sorbet & Mango Sorbet ( refer to pic above ) ... We also tried the Wild boar Kebab/ Satay .. Hmmz .. I love pork , wild pork , ALL THE SAME !! but Sunshine got alil terrified about the wild boar satay . Too bad theY dun have ketupat and the peanut sauce.

Ahhh ... For those of you who have heard alot abt Singapore Pulau Tekong's wild boars ...but have never Seen one ... this is a mini wild boar .. This boar is quite tame ... but the ones we NS guys encounter @ Pulau Tekong , are bigger , wilder ..and more ferocious . I prefer the wild boar on a Satay Skewer ...

We went to try Tofu Icecream next ... Innovative people ... they actually freezed their tofu into ice-cream ... so novel ... I still remember the taste ... could still remember the "burnt Chao Tah" taste of the ice cream . bland but healthy. Nice .

The 3 girls outside the Tofu Ice-cream shop. Hahah ... these "aunties" bought alot ... We even bought some Milk guavas from a guy who looks Like " DongLi Huo Che " , PowerStation , a taiwanese duo ... The milk Guavas are nice !! because they are crunchy ..and there is TASTE OF MILK !!

HoHo !! It is always enjoyable to Eat Hot Crispy food in chilly weather ... Highly recommended especially @ Shih-Lin night Market ... Try out the very very Cheap $0.50 Sotong Balls ( NT$10 per stick ) ... for 3 sotong balls . And You MUST COAT your balls ( Oopz ) with the very spicy chilli powder and spices . Guaranteed to warm you up nicely !! and its cheaper than our Old Chang Kee definitely ..

ShenKeng has loads and loads of Taiwanese Local Produce ... their Biscuits , their peanut candy , their EVERYTHING IS NICE !! YES !! NO JOKE ! simply delicious ... Almost every stall Seems to Sell GOOD biscuits ... we tried our luck @ this particular stall ... the lady assistant was very kind to give us an extra biscuit hahah .. Not That we asked for it lah .. Rather because we all bought from her stall ...

We were attracted by this Black Toufu Shop ... that really looked and sounded like a Pirates' Den ... Very old old feel .. the lighting in the shop was warm ..and cozy ... and the furniture was really befitting of the theme .. very old stools and benches ... like those you See in ancient Taverns in the movies ...

Haha ... Shenkeng Famous for Toufu , Of course we ate toufu !!! We had hot spicy Toufu in soup ..( abit like Tomyam ) .. Deep Fried toufu in Sauce ... and fried toufu again ... hahah with Rice .. Verdict ?? I remembered that the TomYam Toufu and Crispy Toufu was nice .. with the sauce ... Yummy ..

Nice Feel in the Shop huh ... With Sammo Hung Poster ... as "Bruised Lee" ... kekeke So Different from Restaurants in Singapore ... YOU will NEVER GET SUCH an Ambience in a Singaporean restaurant ... I bet my ass on it . Ok .. maybe yes... but STILL ... the authentic place is HERE !

Anyway , we left Shenkeng Happily ... with nice memories of that place ... Rushed back to OneStar Hotel to meet up with Zu Ren ... he Said he would drive us to take a ferry down to Dan Shui Lao Jie ...

On The way back .... We Saw this Cute Looking Incinerator Chimmney .... WHERE THE HELL WILL YOU SEE THIS In SIngapore ??

Zu Ren Drove us to DaDaoCheng Wharf ... a pier that lOOks suspiciously like a dam , to Guard against the big waves of the Sea ... but very very very nice place .. romantic for couples to stroll along the wharf ... windy ... Saw lots of cyclists ... We quickly gOt our tickets for the ferry thats gonna set sail @ 1600 H

We were set to sail from DaDao Cheng Wharf .... to Guan Du Pier ... then switch another ferry to DanShui Lao Jie ... HoHoho ... Sailing Upstream !!!

DaDaocheng got Cafe Somemore !! Got AuntiE selling fried dough+ Hotdogs .+ Nuggets .. + AngMor Kopi !! Good CoFFee on a GOOd windy Day to Keep one warm .. and Chirpy ...

View of the pier ... and the Sea ...

We were So DAMN UNLUCKY OR LUCKY ? >> we were slow in boarding the ferry .. ( as usual hahah we take photos everywhere and anywhere , dillydally ) ... We were slow .. there werenT anymore seats in the ferry !! So where did we sit ?? WE SAT ON THE DECK !!! Yeah ... No safety issues , the taiwanese boatman said ... gO ahead ... it would be chilly and cold !! but what the heck .. we were more than willing to take in the scenery , the breeze .. and everything !! And guess what ... we blocked out the view of everyone who was in the cabin.

All they could See from inside ... were 4 happy Singaporeans taking in the seabreeze and the fantastic scenery.....

The view from our position ... totally Shiokz ...

Along the way ... the boatman chatted with us ... and the blerdy buaya came to chat us up ... and his focus was largely on Nana ... hahah .. the blerdy buaya from Yilan expressed his undying love for Shawna !!! OoOoO The buaya boatmen tot we were still students ..and Called us "Tong Xue" the affectionate way of Calling classmates in Taiwan ... and Shawna was the Senior ... Lolz ..

Out of 4 of us ... Shawna was the Senior Classmate , WeeWee was the quiet one ... SunShine was the studious one .. and I was the playful one ... Or so assumed by our buaya Boatman ..

Upon Arrival @ Guan Du Pier ... He requested for Shawna's address , Name , and even gave us his address in Yilan .. On his OWN ACCORD !! He "begged" Shawna to send him a letter .... which was never ever gonna even leave Singapore .... hahhaa .. Poor guy ...

Happily took some videos of the whole boat journey ...

When we arrived @ Guan Du Pier , it was turning dark , although it was only 4.45pm ... but as it was winter .. everything turned darker faster ... More cyclists ... went for a Pee break in a mobile dirty toilet which was damn dark , eerie .. and You couldnt See where you were peeing ....

And SoOn we were up on another ferry .... this time it was too dark to sit outside , as there were safety concerns that we might fall overboard and no one would know ... So we guai guai sit inside with the lifevests ...All 4 of us fell asleep ... Yawnz ....

It was nighttimE .. or evening ... when we reached Danshui Lao Jie ... It was different from Danshui Yu Ren Ma Tou ( Danshui Fisherman Pier ) that we went in July 2006 ... This Lao Jie was full of shops ... novelties .. food as usual ... very very Boat Quay-like ...

We Passed by a novelty shop ... exhibiting reptiles , snakes , amphibians ... and some other weird creatures ... took a quick FREE look ... No pay money ... Snap some photos .. and Viola ... we were considered to have been there ...

Some other Shops were displaying funny items ... like Ferris wheel models ... and This cute shop had a cute little boy with a cute little ass in the glass display ... Oh Yeah ... i Spanked him real hard ....

A view of Danshui Lao Jie ...

We stumbled upon this Teddy bear shop selling thousands if not millions of teddy bears .... and the 3 girls went ballistic .... Totally gaga over the bears .... king Kong bear .. KongKing Bear .. Carebear .. Sunbear .. Watever bear You want ... they probably had it ... and yes they were cute ...

Every xiao meimei chose their own bearbears to take photos with .. but no xiaomeimei bought a teddy home to Singapore .. because each Teddy bear came with a hefty price of @ least $100 SGD ... So Juz Hug .. Touch .. and Say byebye !!!

We had an appointment with Zu Ren ... Who was so kind enough to suggest a get-together meal with us ... He Said it was gonna be a simple Dinner ( to welcome us back to taipei again ) ... and also a farewell dinner since it was the last night of our 2nd trip ...

So we rushed back by MRT ... then Cab to OneStar .... before Zu Ren packed us off into another Cab to this Wonderful Yummy Restaurant ....

It was another 80's themed restaurant which Zu Ren seemed to love coming ... and he was very much @ home there ... and he sure knew what to order for us to EAT ! His Treat !!!

First to be Served was Taiwanese beer ... and I reckon we had 6 bottles between us 2 men ... madness ... he was like a thirsty Beer guzzling Camel ... and one thing i learnt was never to be too Ke qi with him ... He pour .. U drink .. He pour again !! The photo shows 3 bottles of beer .. but I tell You 3 more bottles were cleared away ..

Zu Ren also ordered their famous prawn noodles , which was a tasteful delight .. the soup was clear and Sweet ... Fermented Eggs with Wine ... SharkMeat Sashimi ( cold and soft ) , braised tofu with soya sauce , Damn Nice and crispy grilled Unagi ... Crispy Fried Sotong Head and Scary but very very nice Duck's Tongue ... Very very addictive Ducks Tongue stir-fried in Sauces ... Simply Yummy ..

After Somewhat Many many beers ... Zu Ren let his hair down ... and we heard many personal stories about him .... his " fierce Dragon" tatoo on his chest ... his youngster Gangster Days ... Oh Yeah ... hahah .. He was a really Cool guy ...

The meal came up to NT$1680 (SGD$60++ )... but Zu Ren insisted in settling the bill ... saying it was his way of welcoming us back .. and also for helping him to advertise abt their hotel ... AwwwWWw ...

Damn ... Sounds SO gay ... but We all miss him so much ... Simply a very nice Taiwanese friend that we have met during our 2 trips ... It guess it is fate .. and Even the 3 girls who are normally very dao ... also like him to bits ...

The night was still Young !! Zu Ren accompanied us to Shih-Lin to Play !!! Hahaha .. After the beers ... he is SoOOoO MUCH MORE FUNNIER !!! and there you go !!! Our Taipei Bodyguard ...

Taiwan Ah Cheng ( His name really got Cheng ) ... Our Zu Ren ... Our friend .... kekek .. He played Mahjong pairing games ... Shot Airguns with me ... and we won ourselves Minnie Mouse ... and more ... And he finally got tired .. and left for home .... WhiLe >>>>>>>>>>

While >>> the girls continued playing !!! $0.50 Game can last them SoO Long !!!! Lolz .... They played like mad because it was gonna be probably @ least another few months ??? before we were coming back to Shih-Lin Night Market again ...

Total number of hours clocked for Day 5 : 16.5 Hours ...

XiaoMaGe , Signing out ...



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