Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Life will never been the same again ... with Mitsubishi Electric ...

Oh yeah ... back with updates updates updates ... i do feel guilty that this blog is neglected .. juz that without knowing what to write .. i juz cant pen anything down ...

070707 -- LIVE EARTH Day Saturday ... I felt it was really a ridiculous event that defeated the purpose of this whole event . By linking up the whole world together with concerts , stars , You wanna get the human race to rethink what they are doing to the environment ?

Totally bullshit. Those jet-setting stars flying around in private jets are harming the environment more than 10 of us put together ... The energy and fuel spent to power up the stereos , the satelites and communications devices dont need energy ? Ridiculous ... All these done juz to get us to be aware of Global Warming ?? Hell Yeah ... we are warming it up more on o7 July 07 ... Juz another bloody gimmick... Maybe someone could try convincing China / USA to stop all their industrial pollutions first ... especially China , whose people have the most amazing way to harm the environment ... One full village full of the world's electrical Wastes ... One whole country full of cars emitting carbon ... one whole lot of evil capitalists who think nothing of creating Fakes & then stamping down on piracy again .. what do they do ? They create Fakes , Clamp Fakes and Burn them .. anD Create more fakes again !

Anyway 07 July 07 was an important day for my family ... We did something deemed environment Unfriendly ..We installed Aircon !

Aircon may sound like no big deal for many of u ..but I have endured the Heat for 20 bloody years in Bishan ... and Finally ... my room is complete and breathes new life into me !! Repacked and rearranged Furniture in my room ... bought new accessories for my airconditioned room from Ikea ... something I have been wanting to do for many many years ! and finally I can sleep in peace .

I consider myself Environmentally friendly .. i reject plastic bags when I am @ the shopping malls , I reduce and reuse waste in the office , I am not one to waste resources as compared to many others . I have implemented a self-imposed rule on my room , to have the aircon switched on for maximum 4 hours , juz to cool it for Zzzz ... instead of running it the whole night long ... and Will impose it on my parent's room soon ... Such practical actions are probably more effective than some bloody concert ... and Probably the Mitsubishi Electric Airconditioner would really save electricity and the environment ... It better ...or Jack Neo is gonna be a sinner .. Coz I BELIEVE in HIM ... paid for his commission & fat paycheck by deciding on Mitsubishi Electric

Sunday 080707 --- Sentosa trip with Sunshine , Weewee and Nana..

Woke up early enough to go to Siloso beach with the girls to "suntan" Hahha Lucky bastard huh ? Oh Yeah yeah ...But No fotos to post of the girls in bikinis .. simply coz they didnt wear any bikinis wahhaa .. and even if they did .. I would get slaughtered for posting their skimpy fotos on the blog ....

Alan ... I am so sorry !!!

It was definitely relaxing ... soaking in the seawater ... drifting along with the waves ... enjoying the sun sand and sea ... and with 3 girls accompanying me wahaha ... but definitely miss those beach volleyball days with Phil , Fionie , Eric and other #NPCC channel people ... those overnight camping trips ... the early morning beach volleyball games on the beach ... Woah ... Miss those days ... will wanna organise one outing for beach volleyball soon.

Went tram-travelling.. enjoying the tram rides to and fro ... before we saw the Street Luge and the very interesting Skyride .. that resembled the electric cable pulleys pulling chairs carrying skiiers to the top of the mountain to Ski down ..

Thats the height we were @ ... kinda freaky .. sitting in midair and juz dangling on a seat ... but everything was tranquil and peaceful ... and silence ...
The view of Sentosa from the Skyride ... apologize for the lack of photoshopped fotos .. not in the mood ... and the fotos are tough to edit as well ...

The Street Luge was fun ! we zipped down the slopes , cutting corners @ relatively high speeds... too bad it ended quite fast ... and Of course ... Marcus reached the endpoint first .. because Marcus was good in manoveuring the Luge ... and because Marcus was the Heaviest ! haha Gravity Pulls !

We got Sun-Kissed . rosy rosy cheeks from the Sun . ..

Managed to take a nice shot of the setting sun as our background ... ahhh .. its been awhile since I had nice fotos on my blog and friendster ...

We ended the day @ vivocity ... which was really quite relaxing ... Had dinner @ HK Kim Gary ... Food was still ok ... done reviews on it before .. but the food is getting boring ... not forgetting I nearly once swallowed a piece of chipped glass from that very restaurant and they juz brushed it off with a sorry . Damn.

Went Shopping @ "Jiao Da Niao" chinese translation of one of my favourite shops .. Why advertise for them ?I liked this black grey blue striped shirt ... while Sunshine saw this pink Collar T that she said she would wanna See me wearing this ... so 1 intended purchase became 4 T-shirts . I bought the shirt on the left while Sunshine bought the black and Pink shirt for me , and the blue shirt for Malcolm ... Shitz I think she dotes on him more than me . Anyway it was a happy day !

Monday -- 10/07/07 1 major Surprise !

Remember my Ex Taipei Walker II 2nd trip ??

I was @ Bishan Bus Interchange on Monday Morning ... and to my most Pleasant surprise ... i saw someone that I thought I would NEVER EVER SEE again in my life !

What was the probability of you going on a trip and having a nice tour guide that made u enjoy your entire trip ? very small rite ?

What was the probability of you seeing this tour guide if you went back taiwan , Hualien again ? even Smaller rite ?

NOW WHAT IS THE PROBABILITY OF YOU meeting YOur Taiwanese Tour guide from Hualien in Singapore ?? Even Smaller than Small rite ?

And he Exactly arrived in Singapore and he appeared @ my homeground in Singapore !! It was really amazing ! Such a coincidence ! And he remembered us ! He remembered that we went last year and we were part of his group ! He remembered us ! It is a pleasant surprise !! He invited us back to Taipei again !

Wednesday Today -- Went KTV with KokFai & Rae after school .... They were nice enuff to accompany me to collect my glasses @ queensway .. then we proceeded to KTV .. Alot of new songs to sing ... and i found worthy singing partners in KokFai & Rae .. quite a mind-blowing day ...

XMG out ..


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