Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The feeling of Fighting to Save $1200++ ....

Ever played a game whereby you have to win the game or U stand to Lose $$$ ??

Welcome to my game of Exams ... where You either pass the module ... or fail and pay ~$1200 to retake the module ...I have been playing this game for 2 weeks++ liaoz ... so far played 3/4 of the games. left 1/4 or the last paper to play ...

Feeling ? Totally intimidating and Ball Shrinking ...

Yesterday was one of those days whereby I felt the real fear of failing my exams ... As I picked up the Exam script to read .. my hands were really trembling ... I had grossly underestimated the fatality of Business Statistics ... The feeling of having only 20% confidence in the module when you step into the hall ... was really terrible ...

I was ill-prepared for the module ... underestimated the difficulty of the module ... ended up having Sunshine and my younger brother CRASH-COURSE the past year exams to me all in a period of 12 hours ...

Prior to this , I had only revised 2 out of the 5 structural Questions and touched none of the MCQ questions ...

Sunshine was really really sweet to go through the entire formula sheet with me , telling me how each formula worked ... and she only went back home late into the night ...

And Malcolm was nice enough to help me solve and explain certain questions ...

So How ?? Business Statistics Paper was still tough ... But I would Say this was really a fluke chance ... As the exam questions were almost what I prepared and practiced the previous night ... so I juz vomitted whatever I had absorbed ... onto the answer booklet ...

Probability of Passing Business Statistics = 0.60 or 60% ..... I crossing my fingers ...

Really reminds me of Guodong's blog name > Constant effort is Life's greatest Shortcut ... while my behaviour is a case of Last Minute Effort is Exam's greatest Shortcut ...... Kids , DUN TRY THIS @ HOME ... Great Percentage of Risk involved ...

Last Paper = Management Accounting ... This module is worse ... All we did each lesson was to listen to the old Hag named Mrs Bean Ng ( YES SHE LOOKs and Dresses like the female version of Mr Bean , and her Name is Really BEAN ! ) ...

She is a bore to listen to ... She juz speaks in a monotone about each chapter ... and juz flashes answers to the previous tutorials .. and juz carry on speaking in her ----------- monotone------- voice .... Its a vicious cycle each lecture ...

So each lecture , we juz go there to copy answers to questions that we have no idea of , and listen to her telling you more about peanuts and cashew nuts ... and all you understand is ....... Nuts ... Smart ...

So here we go again .... Thursday shall be the last game of chance to save $1200 ... Pass and Go on to Year 2 ... Fail ?? Pay $1200 and repeat module ... Damn .. sounds like Monopoly ... Oh Shit did I mention
Prices and Markets ?

6.19 am , 8 Iced Lemon Teas , 5 Extra Value Meals , 3 Apple Pies , 7 bottles of Chicken Essence and counting ....

Time to revise in LaLa Land ...

Btw , Chicken Essence is really potent ... I had only 3 hours of sleep ... Drank 2 bottles of Chicken Essence in 10 hour intervals .... Lasted a total of 27 hours without sleep ... and no Shag !

XMG out ... shagged ...



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