Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pre-Exams Rantings

Hello ... Sorry for the lack of updates ... simply so much to revise before the exams ...

Been a bloody slacker for the bulk of this semester .. failed to realise my solutions made last semester .. to prepare in advance ..and revise early for examinations .. probably due to the 4 modules that I am taking this semester ... totally Sucks ...and totally of no interest to me ... Yet I have to trudge on ...

Had a little sweet success in last semester ... with 2 distinctions (B) and a credit ( C ) ... didnt get any high distinctions ( A) .. but who cares ?? the 3 modules were totally out of my imagination already ... and thus this semester .. I had the same desires early in the Sem ... to try to maintain a proper record of reasonable distinctions ... but ALAS ...

Management Accounting Sucks --- Lecturer Sucks .. topic Sucks .. I was totally weak in Accounts .. and that was the Credit ( C) that I got for 1st sem ...And Now ... the Killer module has nearly wiped out the whole lecturer hall ... for the 2nd test ... My last module shall be this killer ..

Business Stats --- SamiNathan , the Guru of SIM MacroEconomics was teaching this module .. but sadly .. I failed to work magic under his guide .. clocked my 1st NN ( fail ) for this sem ... Biz Stats shall be one of my toughest modules in my May exams ... argh ..

Prices & Markets --- Microeconomics ... Not exactly my strongest module .. but surprisingly ... I fared well enough with a High Distinction and a Credit for my 2 tests ... this module shall carry the most of my hope in getting @ least a DI (distinction ) for this Fuggedup semester ...

Commercial Law --- Oh My god .. Language language Language .. Sunshine Says I shld be strong in this since I am argumentative ( @ least with her ) Lolz ... but I guess i was gOod @ Summarizing the whole question , instead of elaborating ... and my results juz came out .. got a PASS for Law report ... got me sumhow dumbfounded ... and finally realised my mistake ... with only 2 days to rectify my writing style .. to suit the Fugging Exams this thurs April 26th ...

Conclusion ... This semester is a terrible nightmare with 4 modules that I have the least interest in .. yet I know I must @ least trudge on and get PASSes in order to go onto the next Year .. Cannot afford to "Tabao" any modules .... Juz for the simple fact that if I "tabao" .. things will only get Harder for me as Shit gets accumulated ... and paying additional amounts of $$$ through my own future earnings .. isnt exactly my fancy .. So I say Fug the distinctions ... Come Wat May ... failures Not withstanding ..

Sunshine is also having her exams , and having similar modules as mine , although hers is more indepth ... Cant wait to See her graduate ... and yet having apprehensions @ how our relationship may change as she steps into the working world ...

Spoken to her about it .. got my assurances in a way .. but admittedly .. Nothing stays ceterus Paribus forever ... And I only hope that our relationship can stand the test of time ...and my fiery temper @ times .. although I must admit I have mellowed .. and have tamed my own temper from previous years .. Infront of my sunshine ... somehow juz cant bear to Yell and make a BIGGER HoOHaa than I used to behave ... but oh well ... as she mentioned , there is always lots of room for improvements ...

There are so many things that I cannot afford right now ... Cannot afford to fail my upcoming exams ... Cannot afford to lose my sunshine ... ( been through heartbreak before ... I know How I reacted that time ) ... That feeling was terrible and felt like tonnes of granite enough to supply Singapore ... Weighing on your chest .. Oh Sheesh .. Expressed to my Sunshine shamelessly that I couldnt and can never afford to lose her ... but as we both agreed ... No one can guarantee the future .... We can only ride the waves and storms together ...

So much more to rant about ... can go on and on ... but Sheesh ... I needa Zzzz ...

2 more Days to LAW / WAR !!!

XMG signing out ...



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