Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Finally Feel alive

Dripping from Perspiration .... Its been awhile ... since I jogged .... since I blogged ... It feels great to be in a mood ... in a mood to do something ... and I did two things in one night ... things that I haven done for a long long time .... and finally I felt alive for once .

Dun wanna set resolutions , will juz see how things go , since my resolutions end up as blank cheques anyway ... Will try out different ways of motivating myself ....

Haven been blogging coz I wasnt in the right mood ..and my favourite digicam is down and out ... left in a corner .. no fotos , half my mood is gone. I juz love good fotos.

Results are out as follows and that explained perfectly why I haven been blogging ..

  1. Management Accounting -- A Fantastic NN = Failure ..Totally blew my mind out
  2. Commercial Law --A PASS with 1 more blerdy mark to hit a Credit . Damn
  3. Business Statistics -- A PASS , I was very happy I passed , but was expecting another Credit
  4. Prices and Markets -- A Shocking PASS , when I was expecting a DI or a Credit .

Have been trying to come to terms with the Fugged up results ... especially the double blow of a failure and other results falling much below expectations ...only comfort that I could draw was from the packed room full of people who failed 1 module or more ... Even that couldnt bring me much relief ... from the thought of having to repeat the boring dreadful module together and having to pay $1200++ more for the module ...

I juz dun wanna think about it anymore . I need More Discipline next semester ... and the $1200 will probably be nagging @ me for the next whole semester .


Work has been great , back @ work for over a month ... brought in KokFai and Rae to work in SiS ... And we have been hanging around together during work Oopz .. toilet breaks .. and lunch ... Feel glad in a way , coz got to know the guys better and bond , apart from being in school .

SiS is still the same , high turnover , people come , people go ... Veron has been kind to me , taking good care of me , introducing extra incomes like the IT Show , and also taking care of Kokfai and myself in our Microsoft Team . She has grown up abit , more steady in her new role as Product Manager .

I still feel the satisfaction from this job , having known the resellers since 2005 end , and have made friends with many of them. The feeling is great when they approach you for pricings , and give you deals .. having promised you that they would look for you. It may be no big deal to many , really .. the satisfaction of them remembering you ... heaping compliments to you for good service and most importantly , giving you the deals as promised .... its a win win situation .. and I feel happy and thats probably the reason and answer to many SiS people's question of why am I still coming back to SiS every Quarter ...


My Love has been great generally , apart from the occasional "pickering" as what Sunshine says , and the Occasional Bickering as what I corrected her ...hahah everything is fine . As a couple , we encountered many issues , and many recurring ones ...and I am quite glad we still manage to iron out the creases @ the end of day/or many days .. haha

We are suffering from Taipei withdrawal symptoms , and have made a determined resolution to visit Taipei AGAIN in december ... Other than that , a Short Kuala Lumpur trip maybe ? Life is Short ... Love may be even shorter ... Would love to spend time with my love as much as I can .. for no one can predict the future . ..


Was reading Phil's freshly updated blog ... Yeah , like mine , badly maintained and lacked updates til now ... I hope this bro of mine is starting to pick up his pieces like me , although I believe he has it worse..

On the topic of my friends ... Gavin got married to Edna , we went to his dinner .. met lots of old NPCC seniors , friends and comrades ... a good feeling ... Jack got his dream house , which was really quite fantastic with a walk-in wardrobe , movie room and all ... JR's belated birthday bash was a smash , haven got so wasted for awhile , although I didnt puke .. but kudos to the Barcadi 151 ... which fuelled the mambo King the whole night long

Enough of yadda yaddaa without pictures ... Shit .. life is so boring without a camera . til the next update .. which i hope is soon .

XMG Out ..



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