Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Multi-Racial Marcus

* Uncle , Bishan Shi San Jie ( Bishan St 13 )

The Uncle lOok @ me * blur *

Uncle : Bishan Street what ? >> Malay Uncle

I apologized immediately .. and joked with him .. " Saya boleh Cekap Melayu " ... He was pleasantly surprised ! haha , he immediately asked me more ...

We spoke about Singapore's multi-racial issues , the common misconceptions between Malay and chinese and other races ... He was very very enthusiastic and excited to know how a chinese guy like me could hold a decent conversation in Melayu and have positive thinkings about his race ...

I explained that I had many good malay friends in NPCC .. especially Azman , Ismadi to name a few .. and race wasnt a barrier to our friendship ... I told him Hari Raya and CNY gatherings were a yearly affair , and race and language wasnt any barrier ...

He was beaming with pride , calling us the "Hamburger Generation" of kids , who are well educated enough to push aside Racial Discrimination ...

Haha , I juz hope this little gesture will bring racial harmony to greater heights ...


XMG out .....


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