Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Dust has Settled ..

Its been awhile since I updated .. Many events have come and gone ..

Worthy of Mention would be my exams results .. Finally graduated !! Scored 2 Distinctions and 1 Credit .. Was a big surprise .. considering I thought I would fail one module .. ended up getting a Distinction for that ..

Whiled my time away in November .. moping around for the results .. now that the results are out .. Its time to wipe the settled dust off .. and prepare for a new Chapter in life -- Work.

Got welcomed into the working world with a big HooHaa. With Recession looming .. everyone is preoccupied with keeping their ricebowls .. with no one daring enough to tender and shake legs at home. So I gotta do the shaking !

With Savings Dwindling everyday .. and Pink Bombs popping up my mailbox every other day .. Its getting tougher and tougher each day. This period of time is really the poorest period in my life .. apart from the $24 balance in my account during my ORD days ..

With XMAS and CNY coming .. with so many necessities to buy and a shoestring budget .. I have nothing to look forward to .. Little to Give .. and alot to hopefully receive.. So sad ..

Mambo XMG out


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