Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Filming@ Singapore Sports School

Had the opportunity to help Leon for his videoshoot program today @ Singapore Sports School .. Quite an eye opener .. 1st visit to the SSS and it sure was impressive. Entering the school compounds .. Got the impression of a very stylo Condominium-styled architecture.. The inner foyer consisted of 2 Olympic-sized swimming pools .. And Yeah .. There were many "future Olympians" swimming in it.

Tagged along with one of the groups to do filming today .. And surprisingly these kids were actually very friendly and courteous.. They werent rowdy or bolsterous .. unlike many of the typical Ah beng sec school kids in other Sec schools nowadays.

Filmed 2 scenes today .. and on the set was one talented malay boy named Fahim .. Who was really well-polished in acting skills .. He only required 2 takes to complete the scene .. while another girl took 17 takes in another scene to complete it. So it turned out that he was acting with Mediacorp in Suria .. Talk about wealth of experience..

We went to their Recreational Room .. Totally Heavenly .. They had Pool tables .. LAN GAMING stations with Counterstrike , DOTA , WOW and all that shit .. all Free ... XBOX stations ..

Thats their hostel grounds on the left ... Condo styled hostel .. with 4 or 6 in a room ...

YES ! Para Para Machine .. Daytona II .. Air Hockey ALL FREE !!! LAN GAMING free .. We played CS with the kiddos after our lessons @ 2pm .. Heh .. its been donkey years since I played CS .. lost touch and definitely lost to the young kiddoes ..

Played pool with a 13 year old Xiaomeimei who was rather shy but still friendly enough to chat.. found out more from her regarding SSS .. They had to stay in mondays to fridays .. wake up, train , have lessons 9am to 12noon , 1 to 3pm , training from 4pm .. and Study time @ nights .. No going out of school at all times .. and only recreational time would be the weekends when they go back home to their parents...
HOW SAD ... And she said many of them missed home for the 1st few months.. Lolz .. Just reminds me of National Service .. but this was definitely more Welfare ..
Exams are over ... been relaxing at home for a week .. Time flies fast and there is no money coming in.. Starting to feel the heat and urgency in finding a job .. I hope I made the right decision to reject the offer ...although part of me is nagging at myself for being stupid when the market is poor now.
Went to pray@ Waterloo Street Guanyin Temple and had my prayers answered .
Have You ever Wondered How divine it was .. to have your questions answered through a divination lot that is "selected" from hundreds of bamboo lots ... and the parables and fables linked to the lot ACTUALLY RELATES TO YOUR QUESTIONS ?? This ... to me ... is divinity . I believe in it .And Yes .. the divination lot wasnt bad .. I hope it will come true again.

Mambo XMG out


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