Monday, December 03, 2007

Mega update

Alritey ... May not be official ... but results are out on RMIT webby .. so I guess it should be firmed up already ... And HERE WE GO ....
Buyer Behaviour -- Distinction ...totally unexpected ...I tot I would get a Credit at most for my nonsense ...
Management Accounting -- Credit .. Thank all goodness for the credit ...Flunked this module last semester .. finally pulled 1 back this semester .. In retrospect , I realised that if I had put in slightly more effort to understand each chapter .. wouldnt have spent unnecessary $$$ on this module.

Distribution Channels -- Credit ... More than glad to pass this module .. super horrible module that I had faint or little idea on what I was studying .. but quite glad I got a credit for answering all the "underdog" questions ..The amazing thing was that It was a 2 hour paper and I left the exam hall just after 45mins ...

Market Research -- Credit ... Another tedious module with a project that I think was super tedious .. slightly disappointed at the results .. but I guess I did what I could for all the papers ..Considering I left the exam Hall in 1.5 hours when it was a 2 hour paper.

All in all ... I am just so glad to pass this semester without any drama and go happily to Taipei again with Sunshine , weewee and nana ...

Back at SiS to work again ... This time with KokFai and Calvin ... Things are much better with KokFai and Calvin around .. at least I have company .. otherwise .. SiS is becoming a boring place to work in .. The good people are gone .. and there are lesser friendlier people around this time round . Some of them seem so fake that I cant tell if they are sincere or real at all. Luckily , I sit beside a joker , Kevin .. who always has something funny to share for the day .. and I think we happen to be on the same frequency ... So jokes are easily understood .. and continued ..


Activities ...

Sunshine has graduated !! Now hopefully as promised Ex TaipeiWalker III seems like a good chance to have some quality time together with Sunshine ... also with my mistress weewee and girlfriend Nana ... hopefully we can spend an enjoyable and memorable December this 2007 .. before she starts work ... Afterall .. stepping into society is full of uncertainty .. and I foresee that we will both meet challenges , and I may possibly face competition from other guys and lesser time from her side due to her work . I guess we would both need to mitigate these factors in a delicate manner ... .. I realised that Whatever will be ... will be ... So Just try my best to keep this relationship in the best that I can .. I treasure this r/s alot ..but .. the rest will be fated ..

Went for SHOW Luo's concert 2007 ... Felt that the performance was slightly over-rated .. as much as he tried to bring up the mood .. the atmosphere was only cordial .. and at most 75 degrees celsius , if you know what I meant ...

Went with Sunshine , WeeWee , nana and Nana's sister Ah bao .... We were sitting at an angle .. where we had quite a good view of the whole concert , although it was juz $98 .. Bah .. Not worth the $98 in my own opinion .. maybe coz I wasnt really a big fan of his ..

He was humorous and lively .. but maybe I felt he was just too commercialised .. and following SOP standard concert guidelines .. that it didnt feel real anymore ... every sincere word turned insincere .. and every effort became something preplanned ..

Went for supper for the gals at Bugis "Chuan Yi Pin" Steamboat buffet ... starting to hate that place .. service getting worse and the food is starting to suck.

We reached at 11plus .. paid full fare for the buffet .. but the food on display were all 3/4 or even empty ... The food variety was limited .. and we were left with very little food for choice ... The ugly situation came when the gals wanted Ice-cream .

To Our dismay , the freezer only contained a Jackfruit tub and a 98% empty peppermint tub. Out of courtesy and somewhat expecting some service from the staff , I approached one of the Cheena Ah Tiongs ( bloody ATs ) staff to ask if they could open up more tubs since the peppermint tub was 98% empty .

The bloody Ah Tiong told me they were not going to open up new tubs and it was company policy not to open new tubs after 12 ?. I asked why .. he told me that There were only 2 flavours in the freezer anyway . I walked back to the freeze and checked through the freezer. To my displeasure , I found more than 1 tub of STRAWBerry Flavoured Ice-cream unopened ...

Nana wanted the strawberry Ice-cream .. I was unhappy with the lies and bad service , I decided to open up the Strawberry icecream tub. HEck the Ah Tiongs. We had paid in full , they even made us pay up earlier .. and They HAD the CHEEK to deny us of the full range of food and desserts. I mentally ran through possible scenarios ..worse scenario being the cops called in , and I made sure we had our receipts . I am a sucker for good service and I expect nothing less than reasonable service .. for the 10% Svc Charge that we pay .

To have a bloody ah tiong lie to me , and provide such bad service .. is totally intolerable .. and Whatmore .. we paid in full , but received much lesser than we deserved. In the end , the Ah Tiongs just looked and stared as we happily enjoyed our strawberry icecreams ..


Wargh ( Pronounced as "War")

Monkeyed around @ Classified Location in Bukit Panjang ... ( so obvious ) .. playing Wargh .. tried it out for the first time as a civilian ... Of course had loads of all these jungle warfare thingy during my NS days and SISPEC days ... But this game had a different feel to it .. It was fun , no pressure , only loads of excitement .. as compared to my NS days whereby we faced possible punishment for stupid mistakes made ..

Felt great and excited , bashing through bushes and vegetation .. definitely reminded me of my SiSpec days .. chionging objectives , fighting gunfights .. all the Section movements ... Uniform was complimentary of Mike , who lent me his ACU ...I am quite happy with the outfit that I was wearing .. with all my new gear , vest , Walkie talkies which didnt fail me .. together with my hydration pack .. different feeling ..

Made new friends who had similar interests and hobbies .. and Oh yes check out their attire and gear ... They really knew what they were doing .. all the Covering fires and tactical movements .. they sure knew their stuFF well .. enjoyed playing with them ...

Project C
Really getting into the swing of things .. after knowing my results are ok this semester .. starting to indulge myself in all my favourite activities ... shooting being one of them ... Project C has officially launched .. and we are currently training some Level II shooters and also co-training with them .. to have some coordination and common understanding of skills and tacticals ..

So far did some Hallway Clearances and room clearances .. with our heavy realistic shields which really weigh more than 10 KG ... to enhance the experiences .. and we shoot within a safe and controlled environment .. It really pushes us past our limits ...

Communication and trust is really of real importance , although we are using airsoft guns instead of real guns ...

December 2007 and Jan 2008 shall be a fun and fulfilling period , as I embark on my quest to enjoy myself with SunShine .. indulge in my favourite activities like shooting , wargaming , Prawnfishing and more ! Stay tuned for more photos and updates !

Mambo XMG out


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