Friday, May 23, 2008

Pedra Branca is OURS !! WA LANG EH !!

After all the big HooHaa ... Pedra Branca is finally officially ours !! Some of us may ask whats the big hoOoHaa over an island .... In fact , I took the trouble to ask my surrounding friends and colleagues whether they knew what was "Pedra Branca" ... but sadly more than 80% of my friends thought it was a movie/ Product/ some holiday destination ...


Somehow I am juz glad that the Singaporean Government took substantial steps and measures to solve this bilateral issue on a diplomatic front. To have managed and maintained the lighthouse for So long , only to have Malaysia suddenly declare the whole island as theirs ... was simply too ridiculous and should be too hard for any Singaporean to follow...

We Kiasu Singaporeans would probably Say: Damn , that bloody lighthouse is built with my tax money and maintained with the GST revenue that I contribute to everyday .. And Damn you are taking my lighthouse and island ?!

Its like you spend money planting a mango tree in your garden , spending effort , money , time grooming and nurturing it ... Suddenly One day your neighbour declares the garden ( with the mango tree bundled in ) as his ... and you are left dumbfounded ...

Anyway , it just disturbs me to know that So many of us dont seem to be bothered with such sovereignty issues ... We are all more concerned with the daily bread.. the daily ERP deductions and our chase for our 5Cs ( Car , Condo , Career, Credit Card , Cash) ...

All in all , I am so damn glad we officially got Pedra Branca back .... They can have the 2 bloody small mounds ... for all I Care .... but to Have Pedra Branca lost to Malaysia would have long and hard Economic and Military repercussions on Singapore in the long run ...

Enough said. Time to Celebrate !


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